November 25, 2009
I am almost speechless at how radically different it is in this country versus the states. Prior to moving here we did our research, we crunched the numbers, we talked to various people, but even then we were not even on the tip of the iceberg of knowing how the DR truly operates. It’s amazing to me how over 2 million people visit here a year, convinced it is heaven on earth… it is gorgeous but tourists only see the shell of this country. They are clueless about the corruption, the deception, the fabrication, and the crookedness that encompasses every dimension of this island. There is virtually no way possible for a foreigner (unless they have all the time in the world, or are mega-millionaires) to come here and establish a business in a legal manner. It would undoubtedly require bribes and under the table cash flow; both of which we were not prepared for.
Through meeting with an Editor in Chief of a newspaper yesterday we both were granted clarity on our personal reality of living here and operating a foreign-run tourism business. This man is a Dominican who was willing to take of the mask and unveil to us the ugly “truths” that run this island. He confirmed what we had heard about the few mega wealthy families that have an iron grip on the DR. They are the ones who control every aspect of this country, from hotels to excursion to shops and restaurant; all must be Okayed through them. Once they give the okay they are then given a huge percent of the profits. And so he said if we began operating without their consent, they would quickly make sure that they would receive 50-60 percent of our money, or else make sure we were drove out of the country. For example, our 60-dollar flight we would have to give them 30-35 dollars, then 5 dollars for gas, 10 dollars for rent, and another 5 for the tour rep, leaving us 5-10 dollars. We aren’t trying to get rich, but we would have to bust our butts flying to try and even make rent. It just isn’t conceivable. We didn’t come here to get rich, but we do have bills and college loans to take care. Not to mention we dreamed of helping out our families as well.
He also mentioned that unless we have an “in” with tourism and the aeronautical offices, we would not receive the permits. Of course they will not blatantly tell us that, but they keep us quiet by saying, “One week, One week, or keep waiting, it takes a long time here”. But, in reality we will be waiting forever because they do not want us to work here. It’s all about power and money. For whatever reason they feel threatened when foreigners try to start businesses here… they are worried about us taking their money and becoming powerful. So by whatever means necessary, they drive you out. One would think they would be grateful for people moving here and trying to generate businesses and help their third world country, but that is far from the case.
This man did tell us that if we would get ourselves out into the community more, that we would be able to make those connections with the power people who can get things done. He told us about two big parties that were happening this weekend; he insisted that we attend. We “have to be seen and introduced to the people here… create a status for ourselves.” These parties are at a club/discoteca and a bar. You see we have no issue getting out into the community and meeting people, but we refuse to open that door. If starting a business here requires us partying every weekend just to get an in, then we refuse to do it. We are not going to redirect our moral compass and exchange our values just for a means of operating a business. So, it was at that moment we realized we are putting on the breaks and calling it quits. The instant you alter your values is the same instant your vision becomes skewed… we will not let that happen.
So for that reason, and for some other safety reasons regarding drugs and trafficking, we with complete confidence have decided that the DR is no longer the place in which we should reside.
As of now, we are trying to sell the few things we have here. We don’t know what the future looks like regarding employment or what not… but we have an undeniable peace that we are doing the next right thing.
Thank y’all for being apart of this journey with us. For your prayers and encouraging words.
We love you and will see you soon!
November 25, 2009
November 24, 2009
November 22, 2009
The Crossraods
November 22, 2009
The crossroads.
Now that is something we haven’t come up upon since our whole vision of the DR was derived. To be a bit more specific we have never developed an exit strategy for this adventure. In the very beginning (April) I had mentioned a “plan B” to Trav but he said it wasn’t necessary. You see on paper everything works. We did every possible research that would be necessary to not only live here and make it, but also create a successful business. The DR is in the top 5 visited Caribbean destinations, specifically Punta Cana sees about 2 million people a year. The demand for this tourism attraction is HUGE! However, we were not aware at the hurdles and obstacles we would get tossed into in order to get our business in operating condition.
We are utterly powerless. We (with the Lords sovereignty) put all the pieces of the puzzle together regarding what is necessary to be entirely legal here; we have attempted achieving each specific task. Unfortunately, now our livelihood relies on the whim of a random Dominican worker. It’s not a question of whether or not these people will write us the permit; it’s a matter of when. As mentioned numerous times, everything runs very slow here. People don’t follow through and they don’t do things when they say they will. It’s as if people don’t care if they excel in their work and produce a fine job! They would rather be slow and if they get motivated, well then they will do what they are supposed to.
We budgeted for how long we thought it would take to get these documents; except we didn’t budget for all this nonsense and wasted time. Our attorney just informed us that it could take months before the boat registration inspector comes (when we were told they would be here a week ago). Unfortunately, we cannot fly until our boat is registered. Thus, we are stuck. So, I guess the main reason we are now thinking about what happens at our crossroads is because we don’t have all the time in the world. Rightfully so… we cannot just live here for another six months and wait. Not to mention I think we would go insane spending that much more time not working and being poor here, trying to motivate the people to write the permits.
So we’ve laid out three different options, in which one will presumably be chosen by December 21st. We will A) Wait on the Lord if he tells us to wait B) Count our losses, pack up and go… either working in NY or TX C) Leave in December, spend the holidays with family, work a few turn-arounds in the Oil Refinerys while the permits continue being processed, and come back when we have accumulated more money.
With all that being said, that is why I’m “trying to muster up more faith”. This is such an emotional roller coaster and right now we are clouded with confusion. Sometimes it’s hard to discern whether this is Satan trying to lure us away from something that could be successful and create huge ministry opportunities, or if it’s the Lord pulling us out of this plan because it’s no longer His perfect plan for us. It’s hard not knowing which idea to entertain. However, I believe that as we continue seeking Him, He will reveal to us the way in which we should go. The Bible says our God is not a God of confusion, so I believe He will provide us clarity in this situation.
Check out these Scripture I came across yesterday:
Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Jeremiah 6:16 “This is what the Lord says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls”
Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
You see, despite all the confusion and chaos, I believe that the Lord will not abandon us. I am confident that He will reveal to us what we are supposed to do, and then supply us with the courage to do so. I believe in the God who can make “a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”, but I also believe that if He leads us away from here that it is for His higher purpose. I will be glad for the time we had to chase this dream, embrace the lessons we’ve learned, and march towards whatever He calls us to.
Please pray for us. Pray for wisdom, strength, and discernment. We truly don’t want to do anything out of selfish ambition; we just want to do what we are called to do.
And if you have any bouts of wisdom for us, we would greatly appreciate it! ☺
Love you & miss you!
The crossroads.
Now that is something we haven’t come up upon since our whole vision of the DR was derived. To be a bit more specific we have never developed an exit strategy for this adventure. In the very beginning (April) I had mentioned a “plan B” to Trav but he said it wasn’t necessary. You see on paper everything works. We did every possible research that would be necessary to not only live here and make it, but also create a successful business. The DR is in the top 5 visited Caribbean destinations, specifically Punta Cana sees about 2 million people a year. The demand for this tourism attraction is HUGE! However, we were not aware at the hurdles and obstacles we would get tossed into in order to get our business in operating condition.
We are utterly powerless. We (with the Lords sovereignty) put all the pieces of the puzzle together regarding what is necessary to be entirely legal here; we have attempted achieving each specific task. Unfortunately, now our livelihood relies on the whim of a random Dominican worker. It’s not a question of whether or not these people will write us the permit; it’s a matter of when. As mentioned numerous times, everything runs very slow here. People don’t follow through and they don’t do things when they say they will. It’s as if people don’t care if they excel in their work and produce a fine job! They would rather be slow and if they get motivated, well then they will do what they are supposed to.
We budgeted for how long we thought it would take to get these documents; except we didn’t budget for all this nonsense and wasted time. Our attorney just informed us that it could take months before the boat registration inspector comes (when we were told they would be here a week ago). Unfortunately, we cannot fly until our boat is registered. Thus, we are stuck. So, I guess the main reason we are now thinking about what happens at our crossroads is because we don’t have all the time in the world. Rightfully so… we cannot just live here for another six months and wait. Not to mention I think we would go insane spending that much more time not working and being poor here, trying to motivate the people to write the permits.
So we’ve laid out three different options, in which one will presumably be chosen by December 21st. We will A) Wait on the Lord if he tells us to wait B) Count our losses, pack up and go… either working in NY or TX C) Leave in December, spend the holidays with family, work a few turn-arounds in the Oil Refinerys while the permits continue being processed, and come back when we have accumulated more money.
With all that being said, that is why I’m “trying to muster up more faith”. This is such an emotional roller coaster and right now we are clouded with confusion. Sometimes it’s hard to discern whether this is Satan trying to lure us away from something that could be successful and create huge ministry opportunities, or if it’s the Lord pulling us out of this plan because it’s no longer His perfect plan for us. It’s hard not knowing which idea to entertain. However, I believe that as we continue seeking Him, He will reveal to us the way in which we should go. The Bible says our God is not a God of confusion, so I believe He will provide us clarity in this situation.
Check out these Scripture I came across yesterday:
Isaiah 30:21 “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
Jeremiah 6:16 “This is what the Lord says: Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls”
Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
You see, despite all the confusion and chaos, I believe that the Lord will not abandon us. I am confident that He will reveal to us what we are supposed to do, and then supply us with the courage to do so. I believe in the God who can make “a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland”, but I also believe that if He leads us away from here that it is for His higher purpose. I will be glad for the time we had to chase this dream, embrace the lessons we’ve learned, and march towards whatever He calls us to.
Please pray for us. Pray for wisdom, strength, and discernment. We truly don’t want to do anything out of selfish ambition; we just want to do what we are called to do.
And if you have any bouts of wisdom for us, we would greatly appreciate it! ☺
Love you & miss you!
November 19, 2009
November 19, 2009
“God prepares great men for great tasks by great trials” –Charles Spurgeon
Oh how that has encouraged me the past two days!
Yesterday morning Travis went with a mechanic to get some spark plugs for our plane. I stayed home to clean up the house and such. Well when all was spotless I decided I wanted to go swimming for exercise. I got all ready and went to get my goggles and they were missing. I was searching all over the house for where I put them last and while I was looking I got this funny thought, “what if the Lord is slowing down my steps for a certain reason… maybe he doesn’t want me to leave yet…”. I know that sounds like “super-spiritual”, and I don’t always think like that. But, in this particular moment I did. I felt a prompting to wait. And so I did. Literally, within five minutes Trav rushed in the door and ran straight to the bathroom. He was very upset and about to have a panic attack. I was so happy that I listened to that small voice that told me to wait, instead of hurrying along and ignoring it. My husband needed me, and I was there to help him simply because I allowed the Lord to interrupt my life for a more important reason.
When life gets crazy and things don’t pan out like you want them to… you know, something blocks the road… I encourage you to pause and think that there just might be a bigger reason for why that is happening. Perhaps it is an inconvenience but maybe it’s the Lord divinely orchestrating the timeline for a bigger purpose.
Today is already a million times better than yesterday. Clearly yesterday was a rough day for Trav and I. Sometimes it gets overwhelming here. The whole process of establishing a business in a foreign country alone is enough to drive someone insane. Not to mention being from American almost puts us at a disadvantage. With that I mean we’re used to working with fairly educated people who understand what getting things done in a “timely fashion” means. Truly the only way to get things moving here is to pay people in hopes of motivating them to do with their work. And well, when you and your husband are recent college graduates, with school loans staring you in the face, and an allotted savings to get you through the anticipated waiting period, its not that easy to just leisurely pay everyone double to do their duties. We are also learned that the Dominicans also run by a system of connections. It’s not what you know, but whom you know. If you want something done you must have a connection… and well not being from here our connections are minimal. But, I believe my God is bigger than all of that. So despite all those roadblocks, I believe in the Lord who can move mountains!
Matthew 17:20
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
So, a funny story from yesterday…
Upon Travs frustration with the slow process of the business he decided to go and scout out a different attorney, one who, as Trav puts it, “we don’t have to baby-sit”. So we got referred to this Dominican attorney. We were sitting there in a meeting presenting him all that we have as well as the areas we need his assistance. One area we are looking for more information is regarding Dominican residency. Well, in order for him to quote us a price he had to ask us a variety of health related questions. As previously mentioned Trav wasn’t having a good day and was out of sorts. Well the attorney proceeds to ask us about our health background. He says, “do you smoke and do drugs?” and 100% serious Trav shakes his head YES! The attorney then says, “when is the last time?” And Trav shakes his head yes again! At this point I pipe up and say “Hold on!! Did you just ask him if he does drugs?” And he said, “Yes, of course…” and I looked at Trav and said WHY did you tell him you do drugs!? Haha he had no idea that’s what the guy said. I’m not sure if he wasn’t paying attention or if the Dominican accent made him unsure of what he said… so I’m pretty sure he thinks we do drugs and I was trying to cover it up. Haha…
Just wait… it gets better.
So then he goes on to ask us if we have STD’s, and various diseases. And this man is trying to say Hepatitis, but instead it sounded like “Hypo-titties”. So Travis goes, “What? Do I have heavy titties?!” Haha, oh man I’m almost confident this guy thinks were on drugs now. It did make for a good laugh though ☺
Anyways, today is a good day. The Lord has restored our joy, our vision, and our tenacity. We also found out that Trav’s dad and step mom are coming to visit us in a little over a week! We are so excited to have some family down here. It’s just what we need.
Hope ya’ll can come visit soon!
Love & Miss you!
“God prepares great men for great tasks by great trials” –Charles Spurgeon
Oh how that has encouraged me the past two days!
Yesterday morning Travis went with a mechanic to get some spark plugs for our plane. I stayed home to clean up the house and such. Well when all was spotless I decided I wanted to go swimming for exercise. I got all ready and went to get my goggles and they were missing. I was searching all over the house for where I put them last and while I was looking I got this funny thought, “what if the Lord is slowing down my steps for a certain reason… maybe he doesn’t want me to leave yet…”. I know that sounds like “super-spiritual”, and I don’t always think like that. But, in this particular moment I did. I felt a prompting to wait. And so I did. Literally, within five minutes Trav rushed in the door and ran straight to the bathroom. He was very upset and about to have a panic attack. I was so happy that I listened to that small voice that told me to wait, instead of hurrying along and ignoring it. My husband needed me, and I was there to help him simply because I allowed the Lord to interrupt my life for a more important reason.
When life gets crazy and things don’t pan out like you want them to… you know, something blocks the road… I encourage you to pause and think that there just might be a bigger reason for why that is happening. Perhaps it is an inconvenience but maybe it’s the Lord divinely orchestrating the timeline for a bigger purpose.
Today is already a million times better than yesterday. Clearly yesterday was a rough day for Trav and I. Sometimes it gets overwhelming here. The whole process of establishing a business in a foreign country alone is enough to drive someone insane. Not to mention being from American almost puts us at a disadvantage. With that I mean we’re used to working with fairly educated people who understand what getting things done in a “timely fashion” means. Truly the only way to get things moving here is to pay people in hopes of motivating them to do with their work. And well, when you and your husband are recent college graduates, with school loans staring you in the face, and an allotted savings to get you through the anticipated waiting period, its not that easy to just leisurely pay everyone double to do their duties. We are also learned that the Dominicans also run by a system of connections. It’s not what you know, but whom you know. If you want something done you must have a connection… and well not being from here our connections are minimal. But, I believe my God is bigger than all of that. So despite all those roadblocks, I believe in the Lord who can move mountains!
Matthew 17:20
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
So, a funny story from yesterday…
Upon Travs frustration with the slow process of the business he decided to go and scout out a different attorney, one who, as Trav puts it, “we don’t have to baby-sit”. So we got referred to this Dominican attorney. We were sitting there in a meeting presenting him all that we have as well as the areas we need his assistance. One area we are looking for more information is regarding Dominican residency. Well, in order for him to quote us a price he had to ask us a variety of health related questions. As previously mentioned Trav wasn’t having a good day and was out of sorts. Well the attorney proceeds to ask us about our health background. He says, “do you smoke and do drugs?” and 100% serious Trav shakes his head YES! The attorney then says, “when is the last time?” And Trav shakes his head yes again! At this point I pipe up and say “Hold on!! Did you just ask him if he does drugs?” And he said, “Yes, of course…” and I looked at Trav and said WHY did you tell him you do drugs!? Haha he had no idea that’s what the guy said. I’m not sure if he wasn’t paying attention or if the Dominican accent made him unsure of what he said… so I’m pretty sure he thinks we do drugs and I was trying to cover it up. Haha…
Just wait… it gets better.
So then he goes on to ask us if we have STD’s, and various diseases. And this man is trying to say Hepatitis, but instead it sounded like “Hypo-titties”. So Travis goes, “What? Do I have heavy titties?!” Haha, oh man I’m almost confident this guy thinks were on drugs now. It did make for a good laugh though ☺
Anyways, today is a good day. The Lord has restored our joy, our vision, and our tenacity. We also found out that Trav’s dad and step mom are coming to visit us in a little over a week! We are so excited to have some family down here. It’s just what we need.
Hope ya’ll can come visit soon!
Love & Miss you!
November 15, 2009
The power of networking :)
November 15, 2009
Here’s an update on our business status:
Kingdom Flyers, S.R.L. will be able to take their first tourist on a flying boat ride when:
-We nail down a lease agreement for beach space
-The inspector looks at our aircraft and issues the boat registration
-We get insurance
With the way things look and only these few tasks left to accomplish, we believe we should be up and running within 2 weeks (at most!). If you only saw the mile-long list we were first presented, you would understand why looking at this one is so refreshing.
At times this process is frustrating. Meeting with the attorneys, meeting with different land owners, going here, going there, not understanding Spanish and of course waiting, waiting, waiting… But, at the end of the day we are ALWAYS in awe of how perfectly everything fits together.
You see we have been blessed with so many people helping us. It is mind boggling at how the 1-2 year process of beginning our tourism business is actually taking us roughly 3 months! It’s so remarkable to us how we meet someone, who then leads us to another person, who introduces us to someone else who is able to help. I mean the unintentional marketing that has gone on here is incredible! Nonetheless, we all know its not mere coincidence ☺. There is undoubtedly something bigger going on here… Ironically enough, I just read in my devotions yesterday, “we can all see God in exceptional things, but it requires the growth of spiritual discipline to see God in every detail. Never believe that the so-called random events of life are anything less than God’s appointed order. Be ready to discover His divine designs anywhere and everywhere.” (My Utmost for His Highest, Nov. 14)
Here are two examples:
1. We were asking a worker at the local fruit stand if they knew a welder who could build us a water trailer and our popped a Haitian named Rodney. He said to meet him there tomorrow at 5:30pm. He took us around to some welders and we began sharing with him our business ideas. He works for a Tour Operator called Scuba Caribe and thought this company might want to do business with us. Well he introduced us to a manager of one of the stores named Damian. Damian also liked our business idea, and thus referred us to Nicholas, the manager of the land where his shop was, on Bibijagua beach. We met with Nicholas and presented our business plans to him. He was a very stoic man, we couldn’t really tell if he was thrilled or not. But, he told us he would call us back either way. But you see, we ended up getting hooked up with Nicholas all because of the guy at a fruit stand. It’s kind of comical!
2. So, the other day we went to this local mailbox/print store to get our business cards printed up. We were aware that the manager/owner of this particular store is very good friends with the fellow who we were originally going to work underneath.
((As previously mentioned, things were not working out with him and getting help from him was like trying to nail jell-o to a tree. As of right now we have no idea what he is thinking. In other words, we’ve been back almost three weeks now. We’ve contacted him a few times and even stopped by his beach hut. In spite of that, he’s never there and hasn’t returned our calls. In my mind, that is our easy way out. We’re here, ready to go, and he isn’t giving us the time of day. Therefore, we needed to become independent. Bills don’t pay themselves, you know? ☺ Travis and I just can’t figure out why he is acting like this. I guess we figure, we could have potentially made him a lot of money and he would be required to do nothing. Wouldn’t you want to help get someone get set up quickly so your return investment could begin? Anyways, we don’t know if he thinks we gave up or are independent, or what...))
Sorry for the rabbit trail, but I felt like that was a good place to update the situation with that guy ☺ So we’re at this print shop and scoping the store to see if the owner is there. At this point, we were still being very careful about what we would say to people. We were slightly paranoid that the information would get back to the guy we were first planning to do business with. As were sitting there anticipating for the business cards to finish being cut so we could exit unnoticed, in walks the owner. We both could have died! We were literally about 2 minutes away from getting away undetected. Luckily we both happened to be wearing hats that day. We tried every way possible of being disguised. And it worked… until we had to go to the cash register to pay out.
As we were being handed our change back the owner walks right over to us and greets us in the friendliest manner imaginable! He was asking us all sorts of questions about if we’re flying yet, what needs to be done, this that and the other thing. This guy used to be a helicopter pilot so he knows the logistics about how it all works here. Travis and I were both being so careful talking to him. Of course were immediately going to assume that he is going to relay this information. So of course the only answers we were giving were very vague. However, as we talked a little bit longer Travis and I both had a peace about him. We didn’t have any sort of intuition that he had malicious motives. Trav says, “It’s a pilot thing, he wants to help another pilot out!”. After some more business talk he told us that he really wants to help us with whatever is left in the process. He had compassion because we are young, trying to do everything by the books, and of course it’s a flying business. He gave us his business card and said to call tomorrow at 4pm.
We can’t help but laugh. The one person we were trying so hard to not talk to, is the one who sincerely wants to assist us, with entirely pure motives. Some people who offer their help are very quick to include that they want a percentage of our income, but then there are others who just want to do good for someone else out of the kindness of their hearts. So after us both agreeing that we didn’t think he was up to anything, we met up with him again the very next day. The poor guy was a little scatter brained because he had been running around all day with work, and came directly to meet us and had not even eaten that day. Maybe I’m naïve, but why would someone go out of his or her way that much just to snitch on us? Anyways, be was very helpful! Apparently he used to be the head manager at an insurance company so he was going to contact them and get some quotes. He also knows the owner of the land, Bibijagua, which is the exact land we’ve been trying to get in with. We will see what all comes about with this guy and his help, but I’m sure it can’t hurt.
As far as the land goes… Nicholas, the manager of Bibijagua and finally called us back yesterday. He told Travis he wants to do business with us, but that he wants to see him do a demonstration flight. After Nicholas sees that then the negotiation process will begin. But, if we get in with the owner as well, perhaps they won’t try to take THAT much money from us. ☺ But, first we must wait for the boat registration.
Sorry if I was rambling, sometimes I try so hard to not make this thing 10 pages long yet inform ya’ll of what’s going on.
Please pray that these last few items come about in a timely manner so we can begin flying soon!
Love & miss you all!
Here’s an update on our business status:
Kingdom Flyers, S.R.L. will be able to take their first tourist on a flying boat ride when:
-We nail down a lease agreement for beach space
-The inspector looks at our aircraft and issues the boat registration
-We get insurance
With the way things look and only these few tasks left to accomplish, we believe we should be up and running within 2 weeks (at most!). If you only saw the mile-long list we were first presented, you would understand why looking at this one is so refreshing.
At times this process is frustrating. Meeting with the attorneys, meeting with different land owners, going here, going there, not understanding Spanish and of course waiting, waiting, waiting… But, at the end of the day we are ALWAYS in awe of how perfectly everything fits together.
You see we have been blessed with so many people helping us. It is mind boggling at how the 1-2 year process of beginning our tourism business is actually taking us roughly 3 months! It’s so remarkable to us how we meet someone, who then leads us to another person, who introduces us to someone else who is able to help. I mean the unintentional marketing that has gone on here is incredible! Nonetheless, we all know its not mere coincidence ☺. There is undoubtedly something bigger going on here… Ironically enough, I just read in my devotions yesterday, “we can all see God in exceptional things, but it requires the growth of spiritual discipline to see God in every detail. Never believe that the so-called random events of life are anything less than God’s appointed order. Be ready to discover His divine designs anywhere and everywhere.” (My Utmost for His Highest, Nov. 14)
Here are two examples:
1. We were asking a worker at the local fruit stand if they knew a welder who could build us a water trailer and our popped a Haitian named Rodney. He said to meet him there tomorrow at 5:30pm. He took us around to some welders and we began sharing with him our business ideas. He works for a Tour Operator called Scuba Caribe and thought this company might want to do business with us. Well he introduced us to a manager of one of the stores named Damian. Damian also liked our business idea, and thus referred us to Nicholas, the manager of the land where his shop was, on Bibijagua beach. We met with Nicholas and presented our business plans to him. He was a very stoic man, we couldn’t really tell if he was thrilled or not. But, he told us he would call us back either way. But you see, we ended up getting hooked up with Nicholas all because of the guy at a fruit stand. It’s kind of comical!
2. So, the other day we went to this local mailbox/print store to get our business cards printed up. We were aware that the manager/owner of this particular store is very good friends with the fellow who we were originally going to work underneath.
((As previously mentioned, things were not working out with him and getting help from him was like trying to nail jell-o to a tree. As of right now we have no idea what he is thinking. In other words, we’ve been back almost three weeks now. We’ve contacted him a few times and even stopped by his beach hut. In spite of that, he’s never there and hasn’t returned our calls. In my mind, that is our easy way out. We’re here, ready to go, and he isn’t giving us the time of day. Therefore, we needed to become independent. Bills don’t pay themselves, you know? ☺ Travis and I just can’t figure out why he is acting like this. I guess we figure, we could have potentially made him a lot of money and he would be required to do nothing. Wouldn’t you want to help get someone get set up quickly so your return investment could begin? Anyways, we don’t know if he thinks we gave up or are independent, or what...))
Sorry for the rabbit trail, but I felt like that was a good place to update the situation with that guy ☺ So we’re at this print shop and scoping the store to see if the owner is there. At this point, we were still being very careful about what we would say to people. We were slightly paranoid that the information would get back to the guy we were first planning to do business with. As were sitting there anticipating for the business cards to finish being cut so we could exit unnoticed, in walks the owner. We both could have died! We were literally about 2 minutes away from getting away undetected. Luckily we both happened to be wearing hats that day. We tried every way possible of being disguised. And it worked… until we had to go to the cash register to pay out.
As we were being handed our change back the owner walks right over to us and greets us in the friendliest manner imaginable! He was asking us all sorts of questions about if we’re flying yet, what needs to be done, this that and the other thing. This guy used to be a helicopter pilot so he knows the logistics about how it all works here. Travis and I were both being so careful talking to him. Of course were immediately going to assume that he is going to relay this information. So of course the only answers we were giving were very vague. However, as we talked a little bit longer Travis and I both had a peace about him. We didn’t have any sort of intuition that he had malicious motives. Trav says, “It’s a pilot thing, he wants to help another pilot out!”. After some more business talk he told us that he really wants to help us with whatever is left in the process. He had compassion because we are young, trying to do everything by the books, and of course it’s a flying business. He gave us his business card and said to call tomorrow at 4pm.
We can’t help but laugh. The one person we were trying so hard to not talk to, is the one who sincerely wants to assist us, with entirely pure motives. Some people who offer their help are very quick to include that they want a percentage of our income, but then there are others who just want to do good for someone else out of the kindness of their hearts. So after us both agreeing that we didn’t think he was up to anything, we met up with him again the very next day. The poor guy was a little scatter brained because he had been running around all day with work, and came directly to meet us and had not even eaten that day. Maybe I’m naïve, but why would someone go out of his or her way that much just to snitch on us? Anyways, be was very helpful! Apparently he used to be the head manager at an insurance company so he was going to contact them and get some quotes. He also knows the owner of the land, Bibijagua, which is the exact land we’ve been trying to get in with. We will see what all comes about with this guy and his help, but I’m sure it can’t hurt.
As far as the land goes… Nicholas, the manager of Bibijagua and finally called us back yesterday. He told Travis he wants to do business with us, but that he wants to see him do a demonstration flight. After Nicholas sees that then the negotiation process will begin. But, if we get in with the owner as well, perhaps they won’t try to take THAT much money from us. ☺ But, first we must wait for the boat registration.
Sorry if I was rambling, sometimes I try so hard to not make this thing 10 pages long yet inform ya’ll of what’s going on.
Please pray that these last few items come about in a timely manner so we can begin flying soon!
Love & miss you all!
November 8, 2009
Heavy Hearts...
November 8, 2009
Well Trav just about summed up our time in Santo Domingo. We got so much accomplished and we received good news after good news with our business. The head honcho at the ‘Civil Aeronauticas Department’ gave us the okay to fly; now we just have to find a company to insure us and nail down the location. Many of our headaches are no longer an issue and all the puzzle pieces are slowly beginning to connect. Needless to say, the light at the end of the tunnel is slowing becoming more luminescent and promising. We are undoubtedly seeing Gods favor on our lives.
Despite all the wonderful news, my heart is very heavy and I’ll explain why.
This evening we were blessed to spend some time with some American friends who live here. They are always so sweet and hospitable to us. We enjoy quality time and conversation with them. After a fantastic dinner we sat around and talked about various topics. One topic, in which my husband joyfully participated, was the current state of the U.S. and how much turmoil we are all in. If anyone knows me well, they’ll know that I don’t talk much about politics and how the world coming to an end. The stock market crashing, the spending deficit being unsustainable, and health reform don’t send me into any sort of frenzy. I have no absolutely no interest in it. Yes, Travis says I’m burying my head in the sand, but to me I find no importance in dwelling on the negativity and being consumed with worry and fear, for I have absolutely no control over it anyway. Maybe I’m naïve, but I believe the Lord is in control regardless, I trust He will take care of us. So anyways I heard all about how the US is quickly coming to ruin, and of course get uneasy. Its not exactly comforting news ☺.
On from there we talked about prostitution, brothels, human trafficking, and child sex slaves. We didn’t just talk about it in a broad spectrum, but we were talking about the problem it is here in the Dominican Republic. Our friends informed us that all the little places around that look like small motels, but are labeled “cabanas” are actually brothels. We were already aware of all the prostitutes that linger around the car washes, trying to lure customers in. But, I wasn’t aware of the amount of brothels.
Our friends showed us a book they are reading regarding sex and prostitution in the Dominican Republic. Apparently, it is a massive business run by Dominicans but made possible by sexually hungry tourists. For most of these men and woman it’s been a way of life ever since they were small. Perhaps it’s not enjoyable to them, but in their eyes it is their job. It’s merely their means to an end; it’s the only feasible way for them to survive. To give themselves to paying customers as they so please.
And then my heart breaks a little more.
You see it’s one thing living in a nice home in the States with luxuries, security, and safety at hand. Yes Americans have heard about sex slavery and prostitution, perhaps some have witnessed it. But, my guess is that most haven’t. The majority of it is foreign issues that only exist in poverty stricken lands and/or third world countries. Well here I am, in the middle of it. Surrounded by poor locals who give of themselves to survive. The problem is that it’s almost impossible to set them free from this torture. We are in a third world country with only a handful of jobs, if you take them out of their “job” how are they going to make enough to survive. Realistically they make more in one night than they do in two months. How then is there a remedy for them?
I still don’t know, and my heart hurts even more.
You see, the DR is on a tier three-watch list for child sex slave and human trafficking. Which means it is a huge problem here, but the government is choosing to not do anything about it. They turn their cheeks and ignore it. It’s one thing to hear about it occurring in other continents, but it’s another to witness it from a close distance…
The other day (In the middle of the day) I saw a young Dominican girl, probably about 11 years old, dressed in a very small mini skirt with an open back tube top on. She was holding a small bag and was waiting outside an apartment. She was looking down timidly while waiting for a middle-aged non-Dominican man that was digging through his car for something. The man made his way up to his apartment and the two entered his house. I lingered around for a little while, playing with the puppy and about fifteen minutes later the little girl came out of the apartment and made her way through the parking lot. She turned around twice and just stared at me. Since then, I can’t get her precious face out of my head. She looked broken and hopeless. She should be running around playing like every other 11 year old in the US, worrying about what Barbie she should play with, but instead the cards she was dealt left her here. (Yes, I admit I am assuming what was going on, but with what I observed it’s hard not to.) All I keep thinking about is “Why Lord?”. Why was I so blessed to be born into my amazing family in the States and presented this chance at life and success when these poor children here have nothing and are nearly forced to sell themselves just to still be in poverty?
Now you see why my heart hurts?
It’s like I’m now living amidst this terrible and astronomical problem. Yet I’m utterly helpless and don’t even know where I can begin to revolutionize this. Everything inside of me desires to give the children, sex-slaves and prostitutes freedom. But, how can I do that when there are no other jobs available to sustain them?
I’ll let you know when I figure it out.
But, until then... I believe the Lord with present me with opportunities to show them the love of Christ, even if it’s one person at a time.
Love and Miss you all.
Well Trav just about summed up our time in Santo Domingo. We got so much accomplished and we received good news after good news with our business. The head honcho at the ‘Civil Aeronauticas Department’ gave us the okay to fly; now we just have to find a company to insure us and nail down the location. Many of our headaches are no longer an issue and all the puzzle pieces are slowly beginning to connect. Needless to say, the light at the end of the tunnel is slowing becoming more luminescent and promising. We are undoubtedly seeing Gods favor on our lives.
Despite all the wonderful news, my heart is very heavy and I’ll explain why.
This evening we were blessed to spend some time with some American friends who live here. They are always so sweet and hospitable to us. We enjoy quality time and conversation with them. After a fantastic dinner we sat around and talked about various topics. One topic, in which my husband joyfully participated, was the current state of the U.S. and how much turmoil we are all in. If anyone knows me well, they’ll know that I don’t talk much about politics and how the world coming to an end. The stock market crashing, the spending deficit being unsustainable, and health reform don’t send me into any sort of frenzy. I have no absolutely no interest in it. Yes, Travis says I’m burying my head in the sand, but to me I find no importance in dwelling on the negativity and being consumed with worry and fear, for I have absolutely no control over it anyway. Maybe I’m naïve, but I believe the Lord is in control regardless, I trust He will take care of us. So anyways I heard all about how the US is quickly coming to ruin, and of course get uneasy. Its not exactly comforting news ☺.
On from there we talked about prostitution, brothels, human trafficking, and child sex slaves. We didn’t just talk about it in a broad spectrum, but we were talking about the problem it is here in the Dominican Republic. Our friends informed us that all the little places around that look like small motels, but are labeled “cabanas” are actually brothels. We were already aware of all the prostitutes that linger around the car washes, trying to lure customers in. But, I wasn’t aware of the amount of brothels.
Our friends showed us a book they are reading regarding sex and prostitution in the Dominican Republic. Apparently, it is a massive business run by Dominicans but made possible by sexually hungry tourists. For most of these men and woman it’s been a way of life ever since they were small. Perhaps it’s not enjoyable to them, but in their eyes it is their job. It’s merely their means to an end; it’s the only feasible way for them to survive. To give themselves to paying customers as they so please.
And then my heart breaks a little more.
You see it’s one thing living in a nice home in the States with luxuries, security, and safety at hand. Yes Americans have heard about sex slavery and prostitution, perhaps some have witnessed it. But, my guess is that most haven’t. The majority of it is foreign issues that only exist in poverty stricken lands and/or third world countries. Well here I am, in the middle of it. Surrounded by poor locals who give of themselves to survive. The problem is that it’s almost impossible to set them free from this torture. We are in a third world country with only a handful of jobs, if you take them out of their “job” how are they going to make enough to survive. Realistically they make more in one night than they do in two months. How then is there a remedy for them?
I still don’t know, and my heart hurts even more.
You see, the DR is on a tier three-watch list for child sex slave and human trafficking. Which means it is a huge problem here, but the government is choosing to not do anything about it. They turn their cheeks and ignore it. It’s one thing to hear about it occurring in other continents, but it’s another to witness it from a close distance…
The other day (In the middle of the day) I saw a young Dominican girl, probably about 11 years old, dressed in a very small mini skirt with an open back tube top on. She was holding a small bag and was waiting outside an apartment. She was looking down timidly while waiting for a middle-aged non-Dominican man that was digging through his car for something. The man made his way up to his apartment and the two entered his house. I lingered around for a little while, playing with the puppy and about fifteen minutes later the little girl came out of the apartment and made her way through the parking lot. She turned around twice and just stared at me. Since then, I can’t get her precious face out of my head. She looked broken and hopeless. She should be running around playing like every other 11 year old in the US, worrying about what Barbie she should play with, but instead the cards she was dealt left her here. (Yes, I admit I am assuming what was going on, but with what I observed it’s hard not to.) All I keep thinking about is “Why Lord?”. Why was I so blessed to be born into my amazing family in the States and presented this chance at life and success when these poor children here have nothing and are nearly forced to sell themselves just to still be in poverty?
Now you see why my heart hurts?
It’s like I’m now living amidst this terrible and astronomical problem. Yet I’m utterly helpless and don’t even know where I can begin to revolutionize this. Everything inside of me desires to give the children, sex-slaves and prostitutes freedom. But, how can I do that when there are no other jobs available to sustain them?
I’ll let you know when I figure it out.
But, until then... I believe the Lord with present me with opportunities to show them the love of Christ, even if it’s one person at a time.
Love and Miss you all.
November 6, 2009
From Travis :)
November 5, 2009
This is Travis writing… I felt like so many monumental things happened today that I just had to write it down, lest I forget what God has brought us through and to. When D and I sat down to write I grabbed the computer and then just stared at the screen. After a few seconds I looked over and said, “How do you start these things?”…haha. I have never blogged before so excuse me if I don’t write the stereotypical message.
Up to this point in our Dominican journey we have been under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. Living in a third world country alone is enough to give someone from the US an ulcer, but for us starting a business it’s even worse. I doubt Danielle has left any stone unturned, so I wont rehash what’s already been discussed.
After our hiatus in the States we came back with plenty of supercharged enthusiasm. We had several days to discuss the highs and lows of our first trip over. That break also gave us a chance to clear our heads and think with a clear conscience about what our strategy would be going back into the country. If anyone knows me very well they know how excited, crazy, and passionate I can get about some things. Well, business is one of those things. There is just something about business that sends me into a frenzy when I let my creativity run wild with scenarios and possibilities. I guess that’s part of being ADHD. By the way, D gets so frustrated when I get in my “zone” and somehow totally ignore everything going on around me.
So here we are….were back in the country and ready to grab the bull by the horns! We met with some friends and sent out some emails hoping to generate interest in our services. I honestly thought that our offer was so genius anyone who turned it down had to be down right brainless. It’s no mystery that we have one of the most sought after excursions on the island, yet we received absolutely ZERO feedback from our efforts. We created a proposal letter that we thought was sure to be a homerun with our prospective tour operators, but nothing was replied to. Imagine being in the last game of the World Series, all tied up, last inning, bases loaded and your up to bat. There’s a seemingly perfect opportunity to be a major producer for the team, yet you whiff every single ball. That’s pretty close to how I felt.
At this point in the game were almost do or die. I feel like any second God is gonna pull us through and then….BOOM, another dashed hope. I’m sure you’ve read up to this point and you can imagine the rollercoaster ride that it has been so far. It seems like were climbing a colossal mountain, fighting every inch to the top. When we get close enough to see over to the other side we begin to smile and prematurely celebrate, thinking that were done struggling and gasping for air. Yet every time we get close to the top, there seems to be a giant of a man that always shows up right in time to kick us back down to the bottom. This has happened so many times here that I have honestly had to psych myself out to keep my head in the game. I knew quitting wasn’t an option so I literally had to trick myself into believing that we could achieve this goal. A goal that deep down I told myself was far beyond our reach, yet somehow mustered the strength to continue pursuing. I know that sounds really weird, but we faced so many giants that I thought were impossible to conquer. In my heart of hearts there have been times where I thought that this dream of ours is nothing but a mirage. A mirage that looked so promising and foolproof, yet every time I thought we were making progress on it we only found our selves equally as far as when we had started out. The hurdles have seemed so big and unachievable that I know we couldn’t do this on our own. God has put so many random people in our paths it’s almost comical to us. To think that two 20-somethings could get this far on our own is absurd. God Almighty has been so incredibly good to us!
Today, we teamed up with our friend in the capitol, Richard. He has been a tremendous help to us throughout this whole process. We left the house with a plan to hit up the aviation department and see where we stood on our pilot license paperwork and aircraft registration. First, we went on wild goose chase for some medical certificate that the paperwork said we needed. After about and hour or two I got really frustrated and suggested that we just go to the aviation dept. and present what we had filled out. My plan was simply to inquire if we had all our ducks in a row with the exception of the medical certificate.
Richard is awesome and he knows our situation very well, so most of the time he talks to the people without us knowing what’s going on. We went through several people and finally got to the head of the licensing division. Everything we have been told up to this point is that I needed to convert my US pilot license to a Dominican one. However, after talking with this gentleman I found out that having a DR license was sort of a luxury rather than a necessity. That relieved a load of stress, lots of money, and stacks of paperwork out of the equation. Our last stop was to figure out how to get the boat registered. We went round and round with the guy on what the requirements were. He told us that they were in transition from an old law to a new one so we needed to submit a letter asking which law we must abide by. Seemed silly to us, considering we could ask someone verbally much easier and quicker. We were so confused by this point. After debating with the guy for several minutes I said, “Cant we just pull the file on the guy who is flying near us now and do exactly what he did?” You would think I just invented the wheel when I made that statement! They proceeded to pull the file and the rest is history. Now we have all our ducks in a row and tomorrow we go to submit all of our final documents. This should land us all the permits we need for operating.
Were not totally in the clear yet, but this is definitely a monumental moment for us. Consider the fact that the man we originally came to work under said it might take years to get the proper permits. That man has made me so mad throughout this whole process. I really have such a hard time trusting anyone now.
We have come such a long way in our journey! The end seems near, but there’s still lots of work to be done. At least now I can get the boat in the air and practice more. The Lord has been ever so faithful to us throughout all of our trials here. Were so thankful for all of our friends and family that remember to pray for us as we continue to fight.
I don’t know if any of this makes sense. I just figured I would throw my 2 cents in to give a little different perspective to what is going on.
Much love!
Travis Baggett
This is Travis writing… I felt like so many monumental things happened today that I just had to write it down, lest I forget what God has brought us through and to. When D and I sat down to write I grabbed the computer and then just stared at the screen. After a few seconds I looked over and said, “How do you start these things?”…haha. I have never blogged before so excuse me if I don’t write the stereotypical message.
Up to this point in our Dominican journey we have been under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. Living in a third world country alone is enough to give someone from the US an ulcer, but for us starting a business it’s even worse. I doubt Danielle has left any stone unturned, so I wont rehash what’s already been discussed.
After our hiatus in the States we came back with plenty of supercharged enthusiasm. We had several days to discuss the highs and lows of our first trip over. That break also gave us a chance to clear our heads and think with a clear conscience about what our strategy would be going back into the country. If anyone knows me very well they know how excited, crazy, and passionate I can get about some things. Well, business is one of those things. There is just something about business that sends me into a frenzy when I let my creativity run wild with scenarios and possibilities. I guess that’s part of being ADHD. By the way, D gets so frustrated when I get in my “zone” and somehow totally ignore everything going on around me.
So here we are….were back in the country and ready to grab the bull by the horns! We met with some friends and sent out some emails hoping to generate interest in our services. I honestly thought that our offer was so genius anyone who turned it down had to be down right brainless. It’s no mystery that we have one of the most sought after excursions on the island, yet we received absolutely ZERO feedback from our efforts. We created a proposal letter that we thought was sure to be a homerun with our prospective tour operators, but nothing was replied to. Imagine being in the last game of the World Series, all tied up, last inning, bases loaded and your up to bat. There’s a seemingly perfect opportunity to be a major producer for the team, yet you whiff every single ball. That’s pretty close to how I felt.
At this point in the game were almost do or die. I feel like any second God is gonna pull us through and then….BOOM, another dashed hope. I’m sure you’ve read up to this point and you can imagine the rollercoaster ride that it has been so far. It seems like were climbing a colossal mountain, fighting every inch to the top. When we get close enough to see over to the other side we begin to smile and prematurely celebrate, thinking that were done struggling and gasping for air. Yet every time we get close to the top, there seems to be a giant of a man that always shows up right in time to kick us back down to the bottom. This has happened so many times here that I have honestly had to psych myself out to keep my head in the game. I knew quitting wasn’t an option so I literally had to trick myself into believing that we could achieve this goal. A goal that deep down I told myself was far beyond our reach, yet somehow mustered the strength to continue pursuing. I know that sounds really weird, but we faced so many giants that I thought were impossible to conquer. In my heart of hearts there have been times where I thought that this dream of ours is nothing but a mirage. A mirage that looked so promising and foolproof, yet every time I thought we were making progress on it we only found our selves equally as far as when we had started out. The hurdles have seemed so big and unachievable that I know we couldn’t do this on our own. God has put so many random people in our paths it’s almost comical to us. To think that two 20-somethings could get this far on our own is absurd. God Almighty has been so incredibly good to us!
Today, we teamed up with our friend in the capitol, Richard. He has been a tremendous help to us throughout this whole process. We left the house with a plan to hit up the aviation department and see where we stood on our pilot license paperwork and aircraft registration. First, we went on wild goose chase for some medical certificate that the paperwork said we needed. After about and hour or two I got really frustrated and suggested that we just go to the aviation dept. and present what we had filled out. My plan was simply to inquire if we had all our ducks in a row with the exception of the medical certificate.
Richard is awesome and he knows our situation very well, so most of the time he talks to the people without us knowing what’s going on. We went through several people and finally got to the head of the licensing division. Everything we have been told up to this point is that I needed to convert my US pilot license to a Dominican one. However, after talking with this gentleman I found out that having a DR license was sort of a luxury rather than a necessity. That relieved a load of stress, lots of money, and stacks of paperwork out of the equation. Our last stop was to figure out how to get the boat registered. We went round and round with the guy on what the requirements were. He told us that they were in transition from an old law to a new one so we needed to submit a letter asking which law we must abide by. Seemed silly to us, considering we could ask someone verbally much easier and quicker. We were so confused by this point. After debating with the guy for several minutes I said, “Cant we just pull the file on the guy who is flying near us now and do exactly what he did?” You would think I just invented the wheel when I made that statement! They proceeded to pull the file and the rest is history. Now we have all our ducks in a row and tomorrow we go to submit all of our final documents. This should land us all the permits we need for operating.
Were not totally in the clear yet, but this is definitely a monumental moment for us. Consider the fact that the man we originally came to work under said it might take years to get the proper permits. That man has made me so mad throughout this whole process. I really have such a hard time trusting anyone now.
We have come such a long way in our journey! The end seems near, but there’s still lots of work to be done. At least now I can get the boat in the air and practice more. The Lord has been ever so faithful to us throughout all of our trials here. Were so thankful for all of our friends and family that remember to pray for us as we continue to fight.
I don’t know if any of this makes sense. I just figured I would throw my 2 cents in to give a little different perspective to what is going on.
Much love!
Travis Baggett
November 4, 2009
Valleys & Mountaintops
November 4, 2009
It’s the middle of the week and Trav and I got to a point of utter frustration this afternoon. Instead of sulking in our annoyance we decided to jump out in faith again and make our way to the Capitol in an attempt to meet with the officials who are able to present us the proper permits. So within 15 minutes our bag was packed and we made our way to the bus stop. So, here I am, writing away and processing all of my thoughts on the wonderful “gua gua”. These buses are actually very comfortable with their cushiony seats and fully functioning air conditioning. They even play movies the whole time, in Spanish of course! Trust me, by this point I’m dying to learn the language. I’m not too prideful to admit that I underestimated the necessity of being fluent in Spanish. I do try speaking it though, and I think the locals appreciate that tremedously.
So anyways, I guess we are trying to discern the difference between waiting on the Lord, and acting because we believe the Lord will move. I still haven’t figured out when to do which, but I believe He will honor our tenacity to see His will done. We believe He has called us here so we are choosing to boldly take action to make sure we can survive. Once all of the details are smoothed out if appears that it will be easier to direct our energy and time into other avenues, like ministry and such. But at this point (and perhaps this sounds selfish) it all must go to the foundations of the business.
You see this is the beauty of life. I have spent so many days, months, and years begging the Lord to work on me as a woman. To make me a strong woman who fears Him, yet is ingrained with an innate passion for Him. The kind of person whose whole life exhibits undeniable obedience to the calling He has for me. To live daily with the goal of loving others extravagantly and offering encouragement to all who cross my path. I desire for people to be drawn to Christ when they see how I live my life. For my life is not my own, it is His. So during this time of frustration and emotional chaos, I need to embrace it and recognize that it is for my best, it is in fact an answer to those prayers. That He is refining me and teaching me lessons that will dramatically revolutionize my life. Yes it is easier said than done, but I’ve seen Him do this in past situations in my life, and I anticipate that He is doing it again for His greater purpose.
Isn’t it wonderful when the Lord sends an encouraging loved one at the most perfect time? Earlier today my dad and I were facebooking and He was offering me sweet bouts of motivation. My dad was assuring me that he was proud of me and that meant the world to me. Furthermore, Trav’s dad (whom he absolutely adores and respects) called him around lunchtime. At first he was unaware at how distraught we were, but without hesitation he was able to encourage Travis and help him redirect his thinking about our whole situation. You see sometimes we flirt with the idea of quitting, of taking the easy road out. But, it’s at those moments when people who love us cheer us on and reassure us that they believe in us; what a blessing those people are to Travis and I.
I also got to talk with my father-in-law for a little while. He also offered me the same inspiring words about keeping focused and staying positive. He also was telling me how life was in the states. Yes, life is undoubtedly easier in the States… you have everything at hand and we know the language. But, in terms of the current shape of the US, it is “no bueno”. He was telling me how difficult it is becoming to live there and how the negativity and chaos just eats at him. You can’t turn on the TV without being inundated with how much of a mess the US is in. In fact, he agrees that living here on an island is much better because of solely that! So I decided, yes we have troubles here…. But there will always be troubles everywhere. It’s what you do with them and how you plan to conquer them that matters.
My father-in-law also talked about the mountain and the valley experiences, which is such a God thing because I was just reading about this the other day in my devotions. Yes, the mountaintop is stunningly gorgeous, it’s easy, and it’s seemingly perfect. However, it wouldn’t be so beautiful if we didn’t experience the rough terrain and unexpected obstacles while trudging through the valleys. It’s there that we are shaped and molded. It’s there that we then appreciate the beauty and momentary satisfaction on the mountaintop. But, as I’ve learned the mountaintop doesn’t sustain life. It is impossible to live there forever. In fact, if that were my hearts desire, to remain on the mountaintop, then I would no longer have my eyes on Christ, it would be for selfish ambition only.
And so in this valley I embrace the change, I embrace the unpleasant obstacles that surround us, and I embrace the opportunity to live in this new Country. My new “goal” is to be a light to the children and families around us. My heart breaks for them. Most of these precious kids raise themselves either because their parents don’t care, aren’t alive, or the maids raise them. They don’t know what it is like to have an adult interested in their lives and upbringing. Please pray that Travis and I will be able to influence these kids in a huge way and for the Lord to open doors regarding which direction we need to move the business.
Thank you all for being so good to us, we appreciate you more than we could ever express! ☺
Love & Miss you,
It’s the middle of the week and Trav and I got to a point of utter frustration this afternoon. Instead of sulking in our annoyance we decided to jump out in faith again and make our way to the Capitol in an attempt to meet with the officials who are able to present us the proper permits. So within 15 minutes our bag was packed and we made our way to the bus stop. So, here I am, writing away and processing all of my thoughts on the wonderful “gua gua”. These buses are actually very comfortable with their cushiony seats and fully functioning air conditioning. They even play movies the whole time, in Spanish of course! Trust me, by this point I’m dying to learn the language. I’m not too prideful to admit that I underestimated the necessity of being fluent in Spanish. I do try speaking it though, and I think the locals appreciate that tremedously.
So anyways, I guess we are trying to discern the difference between waiting on the Lord, and acting because we believe the Lord will move. I still haven’t figured out when to do which, but I believe He will honor our tenacity to see His will done. We believe He has called us here so we are choosing to boldly take action to make sure we can survive. Once all of the details are smoothed out if appears that it will be easier to direct our energy and time into other avenues, like ministry and such. But at this point (and perhaps this sounds selfish) it all must go to the foundations of the business.
You see this is the beauty of life. I have spent so many days, months, and years begging the Lord to work on me as a woman. To make me a strong woman who fears Him, yet is ingrained with an innate passion for Him. The kind of person whose whole life exhibits undeniable obedience to the calling He has for me. To live daily with the goal of loving others extravagantly and offering encouragement to all who cross my path. I desire for people to be drawn to Christ when they see how I live my life. For my life is not my own, it is His. So during this time of frustration and emotional chaos, I need to embrace it and recognize that it is for my best, it is in fact an answer to those prayers. That He is refining me and teaching me lessons that will dramatically revolutionize my life. Yes it is easier said than done, but I’ve seen Him do this in past situations in my life, and I anticipate that He is doing it again for His greater purpose.
Isn’t it wonderful when the Lord sends an encouraging loved one at the most perfect time? Earlier today my dad and I were facebooking and He was offering me sweet bouts of motivation. My dad was assuring me that he was proud of me and that meant the world to me. Furthermore, Trav’s dad (whom he absolutely adores and respects) called him around lunchtime. At first he was unaware at how distraught we were, but without hesitation he was able to encourage Travis and help him redirect his thinking about our whole situation. You see sometimes we flirt with the idea of quitting, of taking the easy road out. But, it’s at those moments when people who love us cheer us on and reassure us that they believe in us; what a blessing those people are to Travis and I.
I also got to talk with my father-in-law for a little while. He also offered me the same inspiring words about keeping focused and staying positive. He also was telling me how life was in the states. Yes, life is undoubtedly easier in the States… you have everything at hand and we know the language. But, in terms of the current shape of the US, it is “no bueno”. He was telling me how difficult it is becoming to live there and how the negativity and chaos just eats at him. You can’t turn on the TV without being inundated with how much of a mess the US is in. In fact, he agrees that living here on an island is much better because of solely that! So I decided, yes we have troubles here…. But there will always be troubles everywhere. It’s what you do with them and how you plan to conquer them that matters.
My father-in-law also talked about the mountain and the valley experiences, which is such a God thing because I was just reading about this the other day in my devotions. Yes, the mountaintop is stunningly gorgeous, it’s easy, and it’s seemingly perfect. However, it wouldn’t be so beautiful if we didn’t experience the rough terrain and unexpected obstacles while trudging through the valleys. It’s there that we are shaped and molded. It’s there that we then appreciate the beauty and momentary satisfaction on the mountaintop. But, as I’ve learned the mountaintop doesn’t sustain life. It is impossible to live there forever. In fact, if that were my hearts desire, to remain on the mountaintop, then I would no longer have my eyes on Christ, it would be for selfish ambition only.
And so in this valley I embrace the change, I embrace the unpleasant obstacles that surround us, and I embrace the opportunity to live in this new Country. My new “goal” is to be a light to the children and families around us. My heart breaks for them. Most of these precious kids raise themselves either because their parents don’t care, aren’t alive, or the maids raise them. They don’t know what it is like to have an adult interested in their lives and upbringing. Please pray that Travis and I will be able to influence these kids in a huge way and for the Lord to open doors regarding which direction we need to move the business.
Thank you all for being so good to us, we appreciate you more than we could ever express! ☺
Love & Miss you,
November 3, 2009
November 3, 2009
We have officially been back for one week. We still love love love our new apartment, we have had barely any problems with it, which is a great relief! You never know how well things will be constructed here.
I would be lying though if I said it’s been easy coming back. You know when I was younger I tried figuring out where exactly it was that Satan tried to get a stronghold on me. I never struggled with drinking or drugs or promiscuity, but the Lord revealed to me that it was my joy that was being tried. Ever since I was little people called me “smiley” and wondered why I always walked around so happy. Well as I got older and life became a little more complex, it became equally as difficult maintaining that beaming smile. From that point on I knew that my life would encompass a continual battle over my joy. With that being said, this past week has been a difficult one.
It’s not even for one particular reason, but merely a combination of numerous little things. It’s me missing my dads birthday last weekend, family and friends Halloween parties we couldn’t attend, my nephews first birthday party, thanksgiving quickly approaching and being without any family. And then the devil quickly reminds me of all the things I’m giving up that I love… like working out because I can’t go anywhere alone and Trav doesn’t like to run, cooking because well there’s not much to cook with ☺, being plugged into a local church, speaking English with friends, seasons changing, etc. Those are all “State” missings, but then we come here and have to wait so long to get our business going. That dang new-yorker in me likes to get things done, and get it done quickly. But here everything is “muy tranquillo” or “slow down/relaxed” ☺. So until we get flying we are restricted to what we can do, because we can’t spend money unless it’s absolutely necessary. Okay, I’m done. I’ll get off my soapbox now… but that’s just the reality of the thoughts Satan is feeding me to get me unfocused and discouraged. And for a few days I let him win, but he’s no longer going to have any victories in my life. I will hold fast to the vision and calling the Lord has given us, and I will do it boldly with a genuine smile on my face.
Yesterday we had a little “scare”. One of our neighbors said while we were gone a person pulled into our apartment complex and went over directly to our boat/plane. Apparently he was just looking around and being nosey. Well our neighbor, knowing that it was our boat, went over to see what this man was doing. This mystery man started asking our neighbor all sorts of questions about us and telling him that we had to have permits and such to fly, this that and the other thing. Our neighbor also said that this man talked to our apartment manager/owner, and as soon as he was done he left, almost as if his whole reasoning for being there was to find out information. We had a friend of ours ask the owner what this man asked him, and he said he didn’t talk to anyone that morning. So, we are left with two different stories, equally as odd and confusing. I don’t know what to believe, but this reinforces that we must be alert and aware of our surroundings!
We have emailed some tour operators and we are anxiously awaiting a response. We hope very much that the Lord will open one of these doors for us. But, if he doesn’t, I believe it is because He has a different plan for us. His ways are ALWAYS higher and greater than our own.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers during this difficult time of “unknowns” and waiting periods.
Love you and miss you all!
I would be lying though if I said it’s been easy coming back. You know when I was younger I tried figuring out where exactly it was that Satan tried to get a stronghold on me. I never struggled with drinking or drugs or promiscuity, but the Lord revealed to me that it was my joy that was being tried. Ever since I was little people called me “smiley” and wondered why I always walked around so happy. Well as I got older and life became a little more complex, it became equally as difficult maintaining that beaming smile. From that point on I knew that my life would encompass a continual battle over my joy. With that being said, this past week has been a difficult one.
It’s not even for one particular reason, but merely a combination of numerous little things. It’s me missing my dads birthday last weekend, family and friends Halloween parties we couldn’t attend, my nephews first birthday party, thanksgiving quickly approaching and being without any family. And then the devil quickly reminds me of all the things I’m giving up that I love… like working out because I can’t go anywhere alone and Trav doesn’t like to run, cooking because well there’s not much to cook with ☺, being plugged into a local church, speaking English with friends, seasons changing, etc. Those are all “State” missings, but then we come here and have to wait so long to get our business going. That dang new-yorker in me likes to get things done, and get it done quickly. But here everything is “muy tranquillo” or “slow down/relaxed” ☺. So until we get flying we are restricted to what we can do, because we can’t spend money unless it’s absolutely necessary. Okay, I’m done. I’ll get off my soapbox now… but that’s just the reality of the thoughts Satan is feeding me to get me unfocused and discouraged. And for a few days I let him win, but he’s no longer going to have any victories in my life. I will hold fast to the vision and calling the Lord has given us, and I will do it boldly with a genuine smile on my face.
Yesterday we had a little “scare”. One of our neighbors said while we were gone a person pulled into our apartment complex and went over directly to our boat/plane. Apparently he was just looking around and being nosey. Well our neighbor, knowing that it was our boat, went over to see what this man was doing. This mystery man started asking our neighbor all sorts of questions about us and telling him that we had to have permits and such to fly, this that and the other thing. Our neighbor also said that this man talked to our apartment manager/owner, and as soon as he was done he left, almost as if his whole reasoning for being there was to find out information. We had a friend of ours ask the owner what this man asked him, and he said he didn’t talk to anyone that morning. So, we are left with two different stories, equally as odd and confusing. I don’t know what to believe, but this reinforces that we must be alert and aware of our surroundings!
We have emailed some tour operators and we are anxiously awaiting a response. We hope very much that the Lord will open one of these doors for us. But, if he doesn’t, I believe it is because He has a different plan for us. His ways are ALWAYS higher and greater than our own.
We would greatly appreciate your prayers during this difficult time of “unknowns” and waiting periods.
Love you and miss you all!
October 28, 2009
October 28, 2009
Let me really quick summarize our traveling yesterday…
We made it to bed by midnight for our flight that left at 6am. Which means it was mandatory to be at the airport by 4am. We made it there no problem, however troubles arose when we were checking in with the woman at the ticket counter. The good news was our luggage was free (versus over 300 dollars the first time we moved here!), the bad news was they were giving us a hard time about bringing our dog. First the woman told us that our carrier was too big to bring on as a carry on. Fine, we can check her we thought. She was okay with that except she insisted that Sugars’ crate be tall enough so she can stand up and turn around with no problem (Something about animal cruelty or such). She was not cramped in it, but she had to hunch over a tiny bit when she stood. The woman would not budge and told us unless we were able to show her a different crate it would not be possible to bring her. So Travis’ mom turned around and drove all the way back to the airport to pick up our dog. Travis told her she could keep her or sell her but we were not allowed to bring her. Of course you can assume that we were VERY irritated at this point. It’s hard when times like these make you frustrated and you try so hard to not be rude. So as Travis was coming back from giving his mom our puppy I told the counter woman that we aren’t just vacationing to Punta Cana, but we live there. And by her not allowing us to bring her we have to give her up. Well when she heard that her whole attitude changed. She told us to bring her back and as long as we don’t mind the “cruelty” to her, that they would do it. So in the end it all worked out, but boy was it unnerving, ESPECIALLY since we were on 3 hours of sleep and it was 4am. ☺
Our flight went well… no problems. Our missionary friend picked us up from the airport and as soon as we got on the road to head home we witnessed a minor car collision. The scary part was what proceeded to follow. The two drivers had the road blocked so we couldn’t pass and one of them was clearly furious. He got out of his truck with a steel pipe in hand, and another man following him, also holding onto a pipe. They rushed over to the other car and began beating it and trying to drag the driver out. The driver managed to speed away, and we were able to creep around the chaos. It wasn’t a very comforting situation, no was it the kind of welcome home scenario I was thinking of… ☺
So besides that…
We are here! We slept in our new apartment last night for the first time and it is wonderful! What a difference a nicer home makes in your attitude and perspective of a place. I know it sounds like I’m spoiled, but being 1000’s of miles away from my family AND living in a third world country it more difficult that you might imagine. So, it is nice to have a clean living environment, somewhere that you can feel safe in.
Travis and I finished unpacking our entire assortment of luggage to make our apartment look and feel better. Travis already began putting together a 2000 piece puzzle, he LOVES puzzles! Now it’s just all the little things that will take time to make it “home-ier”.
This morning Trav and I had much needed time in the Word together. We read many encouraging verses in Psalm 50-55 (Pslam 55:22 in particular is awesome!). I was pleading to the Lord to help us with the rest of the steps for our business to come to fruition and to obtain the proper permits. (There’s nothing that will wear out your knees from praying more than being completely broke and knowing that bills are just a few days away from needed payment.) We are focused and driven to continue this process, with the Lord directing our steps. We believe that He will meet our needs and light our paths of where to go.
Sometimes the Lord is slow to answer prayers, and sometimes He works speedily! Today I got to witness his favor on our lives and aid in this journey first hand. Let me explain… Today we also hung out with a Dominican friend of ours. Him and his wife have been such a huge blessing to us. They have played key roles in introducing us to others who have aided our process of business. We were explaining to them our plight regarding suffering for a few more months and forking out even more money to be completely independent, or whether we should work underneath that Dominican whom we were originally going to work with (who is also requiring us to give him 50% of our earnings). His wife was thinking for a while and thought that we should meet with Club Caribe’ and be a sub-contractor for them. In this case they would market our flying boat to all 50 hotels in Punta Cana AND provide transportation for the tourists to our location. We would negotiate a price with them, they would mark it up for them to make a profit and we would be set. We could work under all of their permits (while still continuing to get ours) and keep more of our earnings AND have tons of advertising. She is currently setting up a meeting with us and Club Caribe. Please pray that we are able to land a contract with them, it would be a HUGE blessing!
Skype us or facebook us! We love you all and miss you tons!
We made it to bed by midnight for our flight that left at 6am. Which means it was mandatory to be at the airport by 4am. We made it there no problem, however troubles arose when we were checking in with the woman at the ticket counter. The good news was our luggage was free (versus over 300 dollars the first time we moved here!), the bad news was they were giving us a hard time about bringing our dog. First the woman told us that our carrier was too big to bring on as a carry on. Fine, we can check her we thought. She was okay with that except she insisted that Sugars’ crate be tall enough so she can stand up and turn around with no problem (Something about animal cruelty or such). She was not cramped in it, but she had to hunch over a tiny bit when she stood. The woman would not budge and told us unless we were able to show her a different crate it would not be possible to bring her. So Travis’ mom turned around and drove all the way back to the airport to pick up our dog. Travis told her she could keep her or sell her but we were not allowed to bring her. Of course you can assume that we were VERY irritated at this point. It’s hard when times like these make you frustrated and you try so hard to not be rude. So as Travis was coming back from giving his mom our puppy I told the counter woman that we aren’t just vacationing to Punta Cana, but we live there. And by her not allowing us to bring her we have to give her up. Well when she heard that her whole attitude changed. She told us to bring her back and as long as we don’t mind the “cruelty” to her, that they would do it. So in the end it all worked out, but boy was it unnerving, ESPECIALLY since we were on 3 hours of sleep and it was 4am. ☺
Our flight went well… no problems. Our missionary friend picked us up from the airport and as soon as we got on the road to head home we witnessed a minor car collision. The scary part was what proceeded to follow. The two drivers had the road blocked so we couldn’t pass and one of them was clearly furious. He got out of his truck with a steel pipe in hand, and another man following him, also holding onto a pipe. They rushed over to the other car and began beating it and trying to drag the driver out. The driver managed to speed away, and we were able to creep around the chaos. It wasn’t a very comforting situation, no was it the kind of welcome home scenario I was thinking of… ☺
So besides that…
We are here! We slept in our new apartment last night for the first time and it is wonderful! What a difference a nicer home makes in your attitude and perspective of a place. I know it sounds like I’m spoiled, but being 1000’s of miles away from my family AND living in a third world country it more difficult that you might imagine. So, it is nice to have a clean living environment, somewhere that you can feel safe in.
Travis and I finished unpacking our entire assortment of luggage to make our apartment look and feel better. Travis already began putting together a 2000 piece puzzle, he LOVES puzzles! Now it’s just all the little things that will take time to make it “home-ier”.
This morning Trav and I had much needed time in the Word together. We read many encouraging verses in Psalm 50-55 (Pslam 55:22 in particular is awesome!). I was pleading to the Lord to help us with the rest of the steps for our business to come to fruition and to obtain the proper permits. (There’s nothing that will wear out your knees from praying more than being completely broke and knowing that bills are just a few days away from needed payment.) We are focused and driven to continue this process, with the Lord directing our steps. We believe that He will meet our needs and light our paths of where to go.
Sometimes the Lord is slow to answer prayers, and sometimes He works speedily! Today I got to witness his favor on our lives and aid in this journey first hand. Let me explain… Today we also hung out with a Dominican friend of ours. Him and his wife have been such a huge blessing to us. They have played key roles in introducing us to others who have aided our process of business. We were explaining to them our plight regarding suffering for a few more months and forking out even more money to be completely independent, or whether we should work underneath that Dominican whom we were originally going to work with (who is also requiring us to give him 50% of our earnings). His wife was thinking for a while and thought that we should meet with Club Caribe’ and be a sub-contractor for them. In this case they would market our flying boat to all 50 hotels in Punta Cana AND provide transportation for the tourists to our location. We would negotiate a price with them, they would mark it up for them to make a profit and we would be set. We could work under all of their permits (while still continuing to get ours) and keep more of our earnings AND have tons of advertising. She is currently setting up a meeting with us and Club Caribe. Please pray that we are able to land a contract with them, it would be a HUGE blessing!
Skype us or facebook us! We love you all and miss you tons!
October 23, 2009
October 21, 2009
One of the sweetest times for me is listening to the older generations stories. I’ve got to hear many funny memories while being here in Bancroft, Nebraska (population=200). Travis’ grandparents live here and I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to spend lots of quality time with them. Their names are Betty Lou (79 years old) and Harold Nelson (almost 85 years old). Harold was born in this farmhouse surrounded by 130 acres and lived here ever since. Bancroft really is the “small town” splendor that you read about in books or see in old time movies. You go into town, which is compiled of a few stores that don’t even add up to equal the size of a wal-mart. As “Grandma” and I entered each store we were personally greeted with first names by smiling faces. How sweet that everyone knows everyone! What is funny is that I ran to the store later that night to get something for Grandma and this woman asks “You’re not from Bancroft are you?” I giggled and said “no”. And she said she didn’t think so because she knows everyone here and she’s never seen me. So I guess each side has its’ pros and cons (moving a lot vs. staying in one place your whole life).
But, what I love so much about our Grandparents is their sense of well-being. The youth that they radiate is indescribable. Some may call it stubborn, others may say it’s just their personality, but whatever it be, they are determined to not be held back by aging. They still partake in their daily duties as if they were in their 20’s. Of course they make take a bit longer to finish their tasks, but they do it without groaning and complaining about their age and aches. I hope I am like them when I age. That’s part of the reason I decided 4 years ago to each very healthy and continue exercising. I do not want to be burdened with all kinds of illnesses, and not to mention my body is the Lords temple and He deserves the best I can give.
This last week we’ve been quite busy here in Nebraska. One day we spent 3 hours in the corn and bean fields combining (harvesting) the crops. This machine they use to harvest is so incredibly sophisticated, perhaps that is why it costs a mere $350,000. We also got to go look at a friend’s pet deer named Buddy the Buck. Grandma took me into “town” one day to shop and get our nails done. She’s a doll ☺. Besides that we drove through Iowa and South Dakota to get to Minneapolis, Minnesota for Travis’ brothers’ wedding. We had so much fun up there! Besides all of the wedding events we attended, we also got to play around in Mall of America and ride on roller coasters. It was fun to be around a lot of Travis’ family. They spoiled us so much, buying our meals or slipping us some money. What a blessing our family has been to us! I hope they know how truly grateful we are. The more others bless me the more I can’t wait to be able to bless others financially! That’s why it is better to give than to receive.
So… Friday we head back to Houston and the following Tuesday we head back to the DR.
To be honest I’m getting kind of sad about going back. I know you probably think I’m crazy that I would be sad… but as the holidays approach and the seasons change I’m quickly becoming aware of what I’m going to miss in the next few months. Decorating for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Thanksgiving Dinner, Cutting down our own Christmas Tree, Baking Christmas cookies, going caroling, cold weather, decorating the Tree, Church Christmas plays, and family. Yesterday I decided to have my own little festitivities. So I baked Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies while listening to Frank Sinatra’s Christmas Album.
So, please pray for us as we adjust to our new life. I know it will be wonderful with Travis and I; it is just going to be different the first year. Please pray for strength and discernment to continue following where the Lord is calling us, and comfort from Him as we adjust.
Love you all so much!
But, what I love so much about our Grandparents is their sense of well-being. The youth that they radiate is indescribable. Some may call it stubborn, others may say it’s just their personality, but whatever it be, they are determined to not be held back by aging. They still partake in their daily duties as if they were in their 20’s. Of course they make take a bit longer to finish their tasks, but they do it without groaning and complaining about their age and aches. I hope I am like them when I age. That’s part of the reason I decided 4 years ago to each very healthy and continue exercising. I do not want to be burdened with all kinds of illnesses, and not to mention my body is the Lords temple and He deserves the best I can give.
This last week we’ve been quite busy here in Nebraska. One day we spent 3 hours in the corn and bean fields combining (harvesting) the crops. This machine they use to harvest is so incredibly sophisticated, perhaps that is why it costs a mere $350,000. We also got to go look at a friend’s pet deer named Buddy the Buck. Grandma took me into “town” one day to shop and get our nails done. She’s a doll ☺. Besides that we drove through Iowa and South Dakota to get to Minneapolis, Minnesota for Travis’ brothers’ wedding. We had so much fun up there! Besides all of the wedding events we attended, we also got to play around in Mall of America and ride on roller coasters. It was fun to be around a lot of Travis’ family. They spoiled us so much, buying our meals or slipping us some money. What a blessing our family has been to us! I hope they know how truly grateful we are. The more others bless me the more I can’t wait to be able to bless others financially! That’s why it is better to give than to receive.
So… Friday we head back to Houston and the following Tuesday we head back to the DR.
To be honest I’m getting kind of sad about going back. I know you probably think I’m crazy that I would be sad… but as the holidays approach and the seasons change I’m quickly becoming aware of what I’m going to miss in the next few months. Decorating for Thanksgiving and Christmas, Thanksgiving Dinner, Cutting down our own Christmas Tree, Baking Christmas cookies, going caroling, cold weather, decorating the Tree, Church Christmas plays, and family. Yesterday I decided to have my own little festitivities. So I baked Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies while listening to Frank Sinatra’s Christmas Album.
So, please pray for us as we adjust to our new life. I know it will be wonderful with Travis and I; it is just going to be different the first year. Please pray for strength and discernment to continue following where the Lord is calling us, and comfort from Him as we adjust.
Love you all so much!
October 18, 2009
October 12, 2009
Once again it is another American holiday and I’m completely oblivious to it. This time I have no excuse, I am in the US right now. Ha Ha! Happy Columbus Day!
So it’s about that time that the weather cools down and the air has a unique crispy cool felling to it, and I LOVE it! Especially after living in tropical paradise I’m appreciating the seasons changing even more! I love fall, I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite season. Which perhaps is the reason that I miss my family so much right now. The fall foliage rides, the punkin carvings, apple cider donuts, corn mazes, and Thanksgiving. Luckily my father and mother-in-law will be visiting us for Thanksgiving in the DR. I think that will help the adjustment of the first holidays away from my family.
Our time in Texas has been wonderful and full of many hours of Scrabble games. To me there is nothing better and more rejuvenating than quality time laughing and talking with your beloved family. We truly do cherish every memory we share with those closest to us.
Right now we are in the airport waiting for our flight to Omaha, Nebraska. Yayy a new state for me! I’m very excited to see something new and to visit Travis’ grandparents farm. They’ve lived there, in the same home their whole life. That’s unbelievable to me. I’m only 22 and have lived in 13 different places with many different homes. But then again I thrive on it. I love experiencing new things and meeting all different kinds of people. Everyone has his or her own story… if I had it my way I would just sit with a cup of sugar-free vanilla coffee and just listen to everyone’s journey. Perhaps I would even get an opportunity to encourage them if they so needed it. Or I, myself, would be encouraged. Ironically that is exactly what church was about yesterday. (And boy was it nice being in church again! There’s something so amazing to me about corporate worship and teaching!) Anyways, this pastor talked about Paul’s crazy testimony and how zealous he was to tell others about it. I also have an incredible story of God’s redemption and favor on my life, and I have been inspired to be more vocal about it. I am loved and saved by the creator of the Universe and I year to give Him the glory He deserves.
Speaking of the Lord saving me and showing me favor when I don’t deserve it… He ONCE again provided for us in a very unique way. As I have mentioned previously, we are tight on money for this season of our life. Well, one of my lovely girl friends here in Texas took me to Starbucks yesterday. We had a wonderful time playing catch up and sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives now. Well after we had spent time together we showed back up at our house with a white envelope from her mother. She has a very sweet mother who surprised us with a very generous blessing. It was a late wedding gift, but something that was much needed. It truly brought tears to my eyes as I opened it. It was because I realized it was more than just a gift for our precious wedding, it was the Lords favor and answer to prayer. He promises to provide for His children, and the Word says His hand is never too short to give. What a Great God!
So I can’t help but laugh at myself when I worry, for it’s moments like these that remind me that He works in mysterious ways and He has our best interest in mind.
Be encouraged because he desires to do the same thing with you!
So it’s about that time that the weather cools down and the air has a unique crispy cool felling to it, and I LOVE it! Especially after living in tropical paradise I’m appreciating the seasons changing even more! I love fall, I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite season. Which perhaps is the reason that I miss my family so much right now. The fall foliage rides, the punkin carvings, apple cider donuts, corn mazes, and Thanksgiving. Luckily my father and mother-in-law will be visiting us for Thanksgiving in the DR. I think that will help the adjustment of the first holidays away from my family.
Our time in Texas has been wonderful and full of many hours of Scrabble games. To me there is nothing better and more rejuvenating than quality time laughing and talking with your beloved family. We truly do cherish every memory we share with those closest to us.
Right now we are in the airport waiting for our flight to Omaha, Nebraska. Yayy a new state for me! I’m very excited to see something new and to visit Travis’ grandparents farm. They’ve lived there, in the same home their whole life. That’s unbelievable to me. I’m only 22 and have lived in 13 different places with many different homes. But then again I thrive on it. I love experiencing new things and meeting all different kinds of people. Everyone has his or her own story… if I had it my way I would just sit with a cup of sugar-free vanilla coffee and just listen to everyone’s journey. Perhaps I would even get an opportunity to encourage them if they so needed it. Or I, myself, would be encouraged. Ironically that is exactly what church was about yesterday. (And boy was it nice being in church again! There’s something so amazing to me about corporate worship and teaching!) Anyways, this pastor talked about Paul’s crazy testimony and how zealous he was to tell others about it. I also have an incredible story of God’s redemption and favor on my life, and I have been inspired to be more vocal about it. I am loved and saved by the creator of the Universe and I year to give Him the glory He deserves.
Speaking of the Lord saving me and showing me favor when I don’t deserve it… He ONCE again provided for us in a very unique way. As I have mentioned previously, we are tight on money for this season of our life. Well, one of my lovely girl friends here in Texas took me to Starbucks yesterday. We had a wonderful time playing catch up and sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives now. Well after we had spent time together we showed back up at our house with a white envelope from her mother. She has a very sweet mother who surprised us with a very generous blessing. It was a late wedding gift, but something that was much needed. It truly brought tears to my eyes as I opened it. It was because I realized it was more than just a gift for our precious wedding, it was the Lords favor and answer to prayer. He promises to provide for His children, and the Word says His hand is never too short to give. What a Great God!
So I can’t help but laugh at myself when I worry, for it’s moments like these that remind me that He works in mysterious ways and He has our best interest in mind.
Be encouraged because he desires to do the same thing with you!
October 6, 2009
October 6, 2009
(This posting is me putting my thoughts down and searching for encouragement in Scripture. I'm not writing because I think you all need help with marriage/relationships, I'm just writing because I'm in some need of encouragement and strong Bible verse myself :) )
Sometimes I get frustrated when I feel like I'm failing as a wife.
Perhaps because I've only been married 9 months I feel like I'm still trying to learn the clear difference between raising issues that concern me and nagging or just complaining.
Now, let me set the record straight. I absolutely ADORE my husband, he's wonderful in every way. I firmly believe that I have the most amazing husband in the world, sorry ladies ;) He's a firm believer, handsome, fun, crazy, exciting, a dreamer, he loves deeply, encourages me, perseverant, supportive, etc. etc. But, what I LOVE the most about him is that he is my best friend. We never get tired of spending time together and even more importantly, we shoot straight with each other. We offer advice where we think each other can improve. Merely because we believe in each others' potential!
But, I guess I just get paranoid that I'm not bringing issues into the light in the right tone or time.
And then the Lord ever so gently reminds me...
Ephesians 4:15 "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."
And who better to assist me in continually trying to speak the truth in love? My Savior!
But still... sometimes I feel so guilty when I open my mouth to voice something that I'm sure will cause tension. I hate fighting and I try to avoid it at all costs. However, in all my marriage counseling books I've read it is totally normal and HEALTHY to have appropriate conflict and disagreements... for it grows your marriage.
Romans 12: 17-18 "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone"
Clearly, we are called to live at peace with everyone. However, we all know that burying our unsolved issues brews bitterness which leads to resentment. That is why I believe it is important to have healthy conflict so then you are able to live at peace with each other.
But, what do I think is most vital in this whole issue?
Focusing on changing me.
2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you-- unless, of course, you fail the test?"
Matthew 7:15 "Do not judge lest you be judged... You hypocrite, FIRST take the log out of your OWN eye, and THEN you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
I'm to love and serve my husband, to pray for him, support him and encourage him. But, as far as continually working out salvation and producing an abundance of fruits of the Spirit, that is my duty and my calling for my life. So, for now, my remedy is to continue letting the Lord sweetly break me and grow me into who I'm called to be... and I BELIEVE the rest (marriage, life, etc.) will fall into place because my God is a Huge God!
And so it remains, I'm desperately learning how to live a life of extravagantly love.
Sometimes I get frustrated when I feel like I'm failing as a wife.
Perhaps because I've only been married 9 months I feel like I'm still trying to learn the clear difference between raising issues that concern me and nagging or just complaining.
Now, let me set the record straight. I absolutely ADORE my husband, he's wonderful in every way. I firmly believe that I have the most amazing husband in the world, sorry ladies ;) He's a firm believer, handsome, fun, crazy, exciting, a dreamer, he loves deeply, encourages me, perseverant, supportive, etc. etc. But, what I LOVE the most about him is that he is my best friend. We never get tired of spending time together and even more importantly, we shoot straight with each other. We offer advice where we think each other can improve. Merely because we believe in each others' potential!
But, I guess I just get paranoid that I'm not bringing issues into the light in the right tone or time.
And then the Lord ever so gently reminds me...
Ephesians 4:15 "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ."
And who better to assist me in continually trying to speak the truth in love? My Savior!
But still... sometimes I feel so guilty when I open my mouth to voice something that I'm sure will cause tension. I hate fighting and I try to avoid it at all costs. However, in all my marriage counseling books I've read it is totally normal and HEALTHY to have appropriate conflict and disagreements... for it grows your marriage.
Romans 12: 17-18 "Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone"
Clearly, we are called to live at peace with everyone. However, we all know that burying our unsolved issues brews bitterness which leads to resentment. That is why I believe it is important to have healthy conflict so then you are able to live at peace with each other.
But, what do I think is most vital in this whole issue?
Focusing on changing me.
2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you-- unless, of course, you fail the test?"
Matthew 7:15 "Do not judge lest you be judged... You hypocrite, FIRST take the log out of your OWN eye, and THEN you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
I'm to love and serve my husband, to pray for him, support him and encourage him. But, as far as continually working out salvation and producing an abundance of fruits of the Spirit, that is my duty and my calling for my life. So, for now, my remedy is to continue letting the Lord sweetly break me and grow me into who I'm called to be... and I BELIEVE the rest (marriage, life, etc.) will fall into place because my God is a Huge God!
And so it remains, I'm desperately learning how to live a life of extravagantly love.
October 5, 2009
October 5, 2009
Update on our DR stuff:
Trav was having a few complications finishing his requirements for his Sports Pilots License, but the Lord has opened all the doors for him to finish! This is very exciting because we had all of the pieces put together for our operations internationally but this one little necessity was holding us back.
Our business is still in the process of being created as we speak! This is also very exciting. And now we are just waiting on our tourism & flying permits before we can finally begin flying passengers!
So for now we just wait and anticipate the Lords provision in our lives. It can be very unnerving not having a steady income, yet continually needing to pay bills/fees/unexpected expenses, etc. It's at those moments when I feel completely helpless & at times hopeless. I feel like most people would have given up by this point. I do not say that boastfully but just that this process is very very difficult and stressful. Sometimes the easier road drenched in security looks a million times more enticing than this deep pit. But we must stay focused and hold fast to this vision. For I once read, "The dip creates scarcity and scarcity creates value". We must keep walking ahead in obedience to the calling that the Lord has put on our lives. I believe He will meet our needs and pave the way even when reality says absolutely not possible!
So, we are still in Houston, Texas. We ventured out to the Hill Country (by Austin, TX) for Travis' birthday. I have never been out that way and I must say it is stunningly beautiful! We had a wonderful weekend at the deer lease. Its a gorgeous piece of property consisting of 300 acres of hills, trees, cows, cactus, etc. Our little puppy LOVES the country! Being that it was Travs 25th birthday... all he wanted was to shoot a pig, and lets just say he got his wish! He shot a 75 lb. hog in the middle of the night using a flashlight. At least its comforting being married to a hunter because I know we will never starve :) haha We had lots of quality time together playing scrabble and laughing. It was just what we needed to de-stress a little!
Being back in the US reminds me of how easy it is to stray from the Lord. To be complete transparent with you, I have not had a quiet time since we've been back here; I have only been listening to worship music. I could easily list off a million reasons why, but there really is no excuse. It should consistently be a priority whether I have nothing to do, like in the DR, or whether I'm in the states having an array of distractions beckoning at me. I refuse to let Satan get a foot hold on me, and I'm not being wise by not protecting myself with the proper armor. So I'm digging back into it... and I'll let you know what I learn :)
love and miss you all!
Trav was having a few complications finishing his requirements for his Sports Pilots License, but the Lord has opened all the doors for him to finish! This is very exciting because we had all of the pieces put together for our operations internationally but this one little necessity was holding us back.
Our business is still in the process of being created as we speak! This is also very exciting. And now we are just waiting on our tourism & flying permits before we can finally begin flying passengers!
So for now we just wait and anticipate the Lords provision in our lives. It can be very unnerving not having a steady income, yet continually needing to pay bills/fees/unexpected expenses, etc. It's at those moments when I feel completely helpless & at times hopeless. I feel like most people would have given up by this point. I do not say that boastfully but just that this process is very very difficult and stressful. Sometimes the easier road drenched in security looks a million times more enticing than this deep pit. But we must stay focused and hold fast to this vision. For I once read, "The dip creates scarcity and scarcity creates value". We must keep walking ahead in obedience to the calling that the Lord has put on our lives. I believe He will meet our needs and pave the way even when reality says absolutely not possible!
So, we are still in Houston, Texas. We ventured out to the Hill Country (by Austin, TX) for Travis' birthday. I have never been out that way and I must say it is stunningly beautiful! We had a wonderful weekend at the deer lease. Its a gorgeous piece of property consisting of 300 acres of hills, trees, cows, cactus, etc. Our little puppy LOVES the country! Being that it was Travs 25th birthday... all he wanted was to shoot a pig, and lets just say he got his wish! He shot a 75 lb. hog in the middle of the night using a flashlight. At least its comforting being married to a hunter because I know we will never starve :) haha We had lots of quality time together playing scrabble and laughing. It was just what we needed to de-stress a little!
Being back in the US reminds me of how easy it is to stray from the Lord. To be complete transparent with you, I have not had a quiet time since we've been back here; I have only been listening to worship music. I could easily list off a million reasons why, but there really is no excuse. It should consistently be a priority whether I have nothing to do, like in the DR, or whether I'm in the states having an array of distractions beckoning at me. I refuse to let Satan get a foot hold on me, and I'm not being wise by not protecting myself with the proper armor. So I'm digging back into it... and I'll let you know what I learn :)
love and miss you all!
September 28, 2009
September 28th, 2009
Oh man! Where to begin. I’ve been computer-less for 3 weeks! I feel like so much has happened but it would take hourssss to type. So I will try and touch on the important stuff only ☺
Here we go.
If you read my last blog on the 7th you may remember me anticipating driving to Santo Domingo the following day to pick up our boat that was shipped from Miami. Well, the person who we were supposed to ride with ended up going to the states for a “quick trip”. We were told that he would be back on Wednesday and we would get the boat then. So in our minds we had NO problem waiting a day longer, after all he had a cousin who has worked in customs for 22 years who would help us get it clear with no problem. He was doing us a huge favor so we could handle a day delay. Well Wednesday goes by, no word from him. Thursday goes by, still no call. Friday and Saturday pass… still M.I.A. By this point we are calling his wife and trying to figure out where he is and when he is coming back! She hadn’t heard a word, so obviously we start getting worried. Not to mention the shipping company called and informed us that if we kept our boat at their warehouse for a day longer that we would be fined and taxed “more than we would ever be able to pay”. This is when we decide that we can’t wait around on this guy and we have to just do it ourselves!
So we called a friend in Punta Cana and asked him if he knew ANYONE in the Capitol who would be able to help us and translate for us for a day. He hooked us up with a friend and next thing we knew we were on a gua-gua (a bus) headed to the Capitol. This was an adventure! We had no clue where we were going, whom we were meeting up with, where we were sleeping, and how to get the boat home. We just knew we had no choice but to go!
We didn’t arrive in the capitol until 8:30 that night. This city was surprisingly big, 3 million people! Our friends, friend picked us up at the station and we treated him to dinner at OUTBACK (finally, some AMERICAN food!) and revealed our sticky situation and unveiled our desperation for some aide! We told him how the guy we had planned to work under (until we were able to get our own permits and licensing to be independent…) was starting to be shady with us. He was giving us the “run around”, increasing the percentage that he would take from our flights, and not revealing how to begin the paperwork to get our own permits. This guy apparently had a heart for our situation and was determined to help us. At the end of our dinner he took us around the old historic town and then he dropped us off at a hotel that he made reservations for us at. He told us to be ready early because we were going to figure all this out tomorrow.
By this point we were floored that someone, who wasn’t even a Christian, would be so willing to help us, people he didn’t even know! It made me wonder if I would be so willing to help and serve someone that I didn’t even know! I hope so!
(Quick side note: Some of you may think we are crazy at how trusting we are with strangers, but I must tell you that when trav and I both got to the hotel that night that we were admitted that we were being super alert. We took note of every building we passed, every feature of his face, etc. I guess after watching the movie “Taken”, we don’t want to be naïve.)
So anyways, the next morning this guy picked us up, and let me just tell you… this day was the most productive day we have had since we had been there! We went to the Secretary of Tourism office, got all the paperwork to get our tourists license. We went to the Aviation Department to get the paperwork for our flying permits. We also went to the Business registration office and registered our business name as Kingdom Flyers. We were amazed at all the connections this guy had and how much information we were able to obtain. Forever our situation all seemed so blurry to us. Like we couldn’t find the puzzle pieces to put together. Now, we have all the knowledge and we know which direction to walk in!
As soon as we got back to Punta Cana we met with an attorney to start an L.L.C., and our business will be completely legal within a month! Hallelujah!
So once again, just when I get worried and wonder what in the world is going on, the Lord reigns supreme in my life. I thought it was tragic that the guy went MIA and showed up late, but at the end of the day it was the biggest blessing. Now we can be independent in roughly 2 months, where as before he was saying it would take two years.
Oh I love it! ☺
(sorry for how scattered this post was, I'm trying to not make it bulky but theres so much to tell!)
Love yall!
Oh man! Where to begin. I’ve been computer-less for 3 weeks! I feel like so much has happened but it would take hourssss to type. So I will try and touch on the important stuff only ☺
Here we go.
If you read my last blog on the 7th you may remember me anticipating driving to Santo Domingo the following day to pick up our boat that was shipped from Miami. Well, the person who we were supposed to ride with ended up going to the states for a “quick trip”. We were told that he would be back on Wednesday and we would get the boat then. So in our minds we had NO problem waiting a day longer, after all he had a cousin who has worked in customs for 22 years who would help us get it clear with no problem. He was doing us a huge favor so we could handle a day delay. Well Wednesday goes by, no word from him. Thursday goes by, still no call. Friday and Saturday pass… still M.I.A. By this point we are calling his wife and trying to figure out where he is and when he is coming back! She hadn’t heard a word, so obviously we start getting worried. Not to mention the shipping company called and informed us that if we kept our boat at their warehouse for a day longer that we would be fined and taxed “more than we would ever be able to pay”. This is when we decide that we can’t wait around on this guy and we have to just do it ourselves!
So we called a friend in Punta Cana and asked him if he knew ANYONE in the Capitol who would be able to help us and translate for us for a day. He hooked us up with a friend and next thing we knew we were on a gua-gua (a bus) headed to the Capitol. This was an adventure! We had no clue where we were going, whom we were meeting up with, where we were sleeping, and how to get the boat home. We just knew we had no choice but to go!
We didn’t arrive in the capitol until 8:30 that night. This city was surprisingly big, 3 million people! Our friends, friend picked us up at the station and we treated him to dinner at OUTBACK (finally, some AMERICAN food!) and revealed our sticky situation and unveiled our desperation for some aide! We told him how the guy we had planned to work under (until we were able to get our own permits and licensing to be independent…) was starting to be shady with us. He was giving us the “run around”, increasing the percentage that he would take from our flights, and not revealing how to begin the paperwork to get our own permits. This guy apparently had a heart for our situation and was determined to help us. At the end of our dinner he took us around the old historic town and then he dropped us off at a hotel that he made reservations for us at. He told us to be ready early because we were going to figure all this out tomorrow.
By this point we were floored that someone, who wasn’t even a Christian, would be so willing to help us, people he didn’t even know! It made me wonder if I would be so willing to help and serve someone that I didn’t even know! I hope so!
(Quick side note: Some of you may think we are crazy at how trusting we are with strangers, but I must tell you that when trav and I both got to the hotel that night that we were admitted that we were being super alert. We took note of every building we passed, every feature of his face, etc. I guess after watching the movie “Taken”, we don’t want to be naïve.)
So anyways, the next morning this guy picked us up, and let me just tell you… this day was the most productive day we have had since we had been there! We went to the Secretary of Tourism office, got all the paperwork to get our tourists license. We went to the Aviation Department to get the paperwork for our flying permits. We also went to the Business registration office and registered our business name as Kingdom Flyers. We were amazed at all the connections this guy had and how much information we were able to obtain. Forever our situation all seemed so blurry to us. Like we couldn’t find the puzzle pieces to put together. Now, we have all the knowledge and we know which direction to walk in!
As soon as we got back to Punta Cana we met with an attorney to start an L.L.C., and our business will be completely legal within a month! Hallelujah!
So once again, just when I get worried and wonder what in the world is going on, the Lord reigns supreme in my life. I thought it was tragic that the guy went MIA and showed up late, but at the end of the day it was the biggest blessing. Now we can be independent in roughly 2 months, where as before he was saying it would take two years.
Oh I love it! ☺
(sorry for how scattered this post was, I'm trying to not make it bulky but theres so much to tell!)
Love yall!
Monday September 7, 2009- 8:30pm
**I know this is old, but I never got to post it because my computer problems :)**
Happy Labor Day everyone! The funny thing about living in another country is you can become oblivious to American holidays. I didn’t even know what date it was this weekend, so I obviously had no clue it was Labor Day! I had a hunch that holidays would make me miss home… and yes that assumption was true. I secretly missed having cookouts and camping out on Labor Day… you know the things you take for granted when you can have them. Nonetheless, I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend! ☺
To be honest, I’ve been stalling on updating my blog. I’m the kind of person who, for lack of better words, can’t stand negativity. But, with the recent events that have unfolded it is kind of hard not to be. It’s not that I have a bad attitude, but more so that we are just facing situations that keep teaching us and refining us, and yes sometimes they are painful.
Yesterday my hubby and I went on a long walk. We got to a place on the beach where it was absolutely stunning and deserted. We were taking pictures and he decided to climb up a coconut tree to get pictures from different angles. He was pretty high up and ready to come down. Contemplating on whether I should pull the “mother” card on him or not, I opened my mouth and said, “Baby, I don’t think you should jump…. The sand in the water isn’t quite as soft on the beach…” He muttered something like “I’ll be fine, I’ve been jumping our of trees since I could walk..” *Jump* Not to brag or anything, but I was right. My poor husband totally killed his feet and ended up limping and/or walking on his tippy toes the whole way home. I think he will be fine though ;)
Today, a great Christian friend of ours who knew our need for transportation informed us that he knew of a vehicle for sale that was very inexpensive. We of course got excited and wanted to inquire more. We checked it out and everything looked okay. It was obviously nothing fabulous but when you just need wheels to get you to a gas station to fill up your boat and to get to a grocery store it was perfect. Long story short, the whole deal seemed really shady. It also (accidentally) came out that our “friend” was making money off of us if we were to buy the car. We were shocked and speechless. The entire ride home from the inquiry my husband and I could feel the Holy Spirit telling us not to buy it.
There are so many emotions that you feel when betrayal comes into your life. Especially, when you’re a foreigner and you offer your trust to people because you desperately want someone, anyone to have your back and show you the ropes of their culture. Any means of easing adjustments and aiding our new adventure are blessings to us, so perhaps that’s why we so easily trust others. Anyways, our initial response was being stunned and slightly upset.
Okay, that’s a lie; it was a little more than slightly. Lets just say my wonderful Texan husband sometimes spats out “I’m gonna have to break some knee caps” if people mess with us ☺ Good ole’ southern boys! Haha Anyways, as minutes passed by I totally felt the Lord reshape the way I was feeling and He offered me a new perspective. What if this man, our “friend”, doesn’t know any better? Perhaps being “tigers and snakes” is the normal way of Dominican life and he was raised that way? Maybe he truly just finds ways to make a little money and support his family? I’ll never know his true intentions, but I want to offer him the benefit of the doubt. For I yearn to receive mercy from my heavenly father, so it’s only right if I offer it to fellow people here, right? Well, that’s my heartbeat now… but Travis is still planning on having a little chat with him. Just to inform him that this is no way to treat a friend ☺
So, our boat finally arrives in Boca Chica tomorrow! We should be making the four-hour drive there to pick it up either tomorrow or Wednesday. Please pray that all goes okay and we don’t have any issues in customs. The sooner it gets here the sooner Trav can log his flying hours and we can finally have an income! That aspect of our life is weighing hard on my sweet husband right now. It’s the “provider gene” that all (or most) men have… the urge to meet the needs of his family. He’s really burdened that we haven’t been making money for a little while now, so please pray that he might be encouraged again! It’s not too far off!
Speaking of encouragement, this morning we were in the Word together reading out of 1 Samuel 17… the story of David and Goliath. (It’s one of Travis’ favorites ☺) You know, the amazing thing about the Word of God is that you can read a story multiple times and each time it means something new to you. This story was particularly encouraging to us because we literally feel like we’ve been facing a huge giant since we got here. The battle isn’t even over yet. What we loved the most was David’s confidence right before he fought Goliath. He says something to the effect of, “I’ve been delivered from the mouth of bears and lions, and surely the Lord will deliver me from you!” What confidence! He didn’t say, maybe the Lord will… or I will try, but he WILL be delivered from his giant! Now with Travis and I, we’ve been delivered time and time again from various trials, surely he will deliver us from our current one. How much more glorified will the Lord be if my attitude is shaped just like Davids? Entirely confident and eager to fight our giants!
The Lord is so so so good.
Love you and miss ya’ll!
Ps-we will be in Texas on Sept. 24th!
Happy Labor Day everyone! The funny thing about living in another country is you can become oblivious to American holidays. I didn’t even know what date it was this weekend, so I obviously had no clue it was Labor Day! I had a hunch that holidays would make me miss home… and yes that assumption was true. I secretly missed having cookouts and camping out on Labor Day… you know the things you take for granted when you can have them. Nonetheless, I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend! ☺
To be honest, I’ve been stalling on updating my blog. I’m the kind of person who, for lack of better words, can’t stand negativity. But, with the recent events that have unfolded it is kind of hard not to be. It’s not that I have a bad attitude, but more so that we are just facing situations that keep teaching us and refining us, and yes sometimes they are painful.
Yesterday my hubby and I went on a long walk. We got to a place on the beach where it was absolutely stunning and deserted. We were taking pictures and he decided to climb up a coconut tree to get pictures from different angles. He was pretty high up and ready to come down. Contemplating on whether I should pull the “mother” card on him or not, I opened my mouth and said, “Baby, I don’t think you should jump…. The sand in the water isn’t quite as soft on the beach…” He muttered something like “I’ll be fine, I’ve been jumping our of trees since I could walk..” *Jump* Not to brag or anything, but I was right. My poor husband totally killed his feet and ended up limping and/or walking on his tippy toes the whole way home. I think he will be fine though ;)
Today, a great Christian friend of ours who knew our need for transportation informed us that he knew of a vehicle for sale that was very inexpensive. We of course got excited and wanted to inquire more. We checked it out and everything looked okay. It was obviously nothing fabulous but when you just need wheels to get you to a gas station to fill up your boat and to get to a grocery store it was perfect. Long story short, the whole deal seemed really shady. It also (accidentally) came out that our “friend” was making money off of us if we were to buy the car. We were shocked and speechless. The entire ride home from the inquiry my husband and I could feel the Holy Spirit telling us not to buy it.
There are so many emotions that you feel when betrayal comes into your life. Especially, when you’re a foreigner and you offer your trust to people because you desperately want someone, anyone to have your back and show you the ropes of their culture. Any means of easing adjustments and aiding our new adventure are blessings to us, so perhaps that’s why we so easily trust others. Anyways, our initial response was being stunned and slightly upset.
Okay, that’s a lie; it was a little more than slightly. Lets just say my wonderful Texan husband sometimes spats out “I’m gonna have to break some knee caps” if people mess with us ☺ Good ole’ southern boys! Haha Anyways, as minutes passed by I totally felt the Lord reshape the way I was feeling and He offered me a new perspective. What if this man, our “friend”, doesn’t know any better? Perhaps being “tigers and snakes” is the normal way of Dominican life and he was raised that way? Maybe he truly just finds ways to make a little money and support his family? I’ll never know his true intentions, but I want to offer him the benefit of the doubt. For I yearn to receive mercy from my heavenly father, so it’s only right if I offer it to fellow people here, right? Well, that’s my heartbeat now… but Travis is still planning on having a little chat with him. Just to inform him that this is no way to treat a friend ☺
So, our boat finally arrives in Boca Chica tomorrow! We should be making the four-hour drive there to pick it up either tomorrow or Wednesday. Please pray that all goes okay and we don’t have any issues in customs. The sooner it gets here the sooner Trav can log his flying hours and we can finally have an income! That aspect of our life is weighing hard on my sweet husband right now. It’s the “provider gene” that all (or most) men have… the urge to meet the needs of his family. He’s really burdened that we haven’t been making money for a little while now, so please pray that he might be encouraged again! It’s not too far off!
Speaking of encouragement, this morning we were in the Word together reading out of 1 Samuel 17… the story of David and Goliath. (It’s one of Travis’ favorites ☺) You know, the amazing thing about the Word of God is that you can read a story multiple times and each time it means something new to you. This story was particularly encouraging to us because we literally feel like we’ve been facing a huge giant since we got here. The battle isn’t even over yet. What we loved the most was David’s confidence right before he fought Goliath. He says something to the effect of, “I’ve been delivered from the mouth of bears and lions, and surely the Lord will deliver me from you!” What confidence! He didn’t say, maybe the Lord will… or I will try, but he WILL be delivered from his giant! Now with Travis and I, we’ve been delivered time and time again from various trials, surely he will deliver us from our current one. How much more glorified will the Lord be if my attitude is shaped just like Davids? Entirely confident and eager to fight our giants!
The Lord is so so so good.
Love you and miss ya’ll!
Ps-we will be in Texas on Sept. 24th!
September 27, 2009
real quick
I FINALLY have a computer charger again... therefore I can update this blog! I'll be working on it today... so keep posted!
love ya'll!
love ya'll!
September 4, 2009
Friday—September 4th 2009—9:00am
**Just a reminder: we absolutely love and adore our families and friends… please don’t take offense if we haven’t been able to call or email lately… we still don’t have internet and we are trying to get connected every chance we get!**
Day FIFTEEN! We have officially been here more than two weeks. Honestly, it has flown by already, (which is surprising since we still aren’t working)… It is so humbling to examine these past 14 days and give an account for all the ways the Lord has miraculously provided for us. From the finances, to the newly birthed relationships with fellow believers (we met yet ANOTHER Christian couple who are pastors yesterday!), to finding a cheaper shipping company for our plane/boat, to people graciously offering us rides to get groceries… the Lord ALWAYS proves himself faithful. I believe that His hand is not too short to give and that He would never lead us to somewhere and then abandon us.
Isaiah 54: 10: “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord who has compassion on you”.
Even though every sense of security could be stripped from my life (and perhaps is right now ☺) he will ceaselessly love me and shower peace on me. And at the end of the day, that is all that matters!
Isaiah 26:3-4 “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal”.
There’s something so soothing about reminiscing on the Lords’ past faithfulness. In fact, I think its one of the greatest remedies to not only endure, but triumph over current trials. To remember that He demonstrated favor for us before, even when we absolutely are unworthy of His love and provision.
As far as current events…
Nothing too exciting has been going on the past few days. We are just making phone calls, sending emails, continuing the process of starting our business, walking the beach, and sitting in our sauna of an apartment ☺. However, and not be negative, but we have faced some struggles the past two days.
First, we are learning that indeed some natives are “wolves dressed up in sheep’s clothing” (or snakes, or “tigres”, etc.). We are trying to develop proper discernment on whom we can trust and whom we can’t. Honestly, we are struggling with not becoming jaded by the people’s devious schemes. Traditionally, we offer the idea that upon every new relationship that person is given full trust until it is clear we can’t offer it anymore. However, now we are struggling with offering trust to anyone we just meet. I do not think that is right though… this is where I am searching the Scriptures to see how I am supposed approach this. I want to aim to do all in a manner that glorifies Him! Instead of becoming frustrated with them and wanting to fire back, I am trying to be sympathetic to the fact that they desperately need Jesus, and I should be praying for them. I am called to love my enemies and that is my new mindset ☺.
Matthew 5:44 “But I tell you, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”.
Secondly, Trav and I had our first tiff while living here yesterday. Let me tell you there’s nothing more humbling than being in a Country where truly all you have is your spouse, and then being at odds with them. He’s all I have and when we’re not good it affects you a lot more than if you were in the states and could vent and heal normally. Now I believe in the sanctity and exclusiveness of marriage so I will not go on any further into details, because it’s irrelevant and solely between him and I. (I just have to mention this to enhance why this mornings’ blessing was even more wonderful!) Anyways, after a tough day and the weight of current circumstances wearing us down, blurring our vision and focus, and making us irritable with each other we decided to humble ourselves of our prideful attitudes and reconcile. We authentically made amends and everything was wonderful again.
So after reconciling last night, and getting refreshed from healthy conversation I woke up this morning to a slight rain shower that displayed a gorgeous double rainbow. To me it was a physical display of rejuvenation and a gift from the Lord to remind me of all the promises He has made to His children. We don’t need to be uptight, we must be steadfast in pursuing our relationship with Him and with pursuing the vision He has called us to.
Genesis 9:12-15 “And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”
Yes we are in a pit, a very big, deep, dark, and seemingly endless pit, but I know the Lord has called us here to refine us, teach us, and change us so that while we walk in His will, we will also be transformed into His image. Isn’t that what life is about anyhow? Being transformed into a different person… becoming so in love with Christ that it effortlessly beckons others to love him as well? If that is all I get out of this crazy experience then it makes it all worth it. I desire to use every event in my life, good or bad, to be an illustration to others about the Lords faithfulness and unfathomable love.
2 Corinthians 7: 4 “… I am greatly encouraged: in all our troubles my JOY KNOWS NO BOUNDS”
We love you all more than you will ever know!
September 1, 2009
Tuesday September 1, 2009 11:06am
Sunday was a very eventful day. We ended up going to a very small Baptist church (in which we were pre-informed that there would be an English translator) that was located in a tiny square building. By tiny I mean like maybe holds 30 people, packed in there tightly. The a/c was broke so there was just a fan running… you can use your imagination to determine how hot it was! The first thing they did was sang lots of hymns (in Spanish), then they gave announcements (in Spanish), and then the preacher gave a message (In Spanish). Unfortunately the woman who they thought would translate for us was not confident enough in her Spanish to do so for us. So we sat through a two-hour service and understood perhaps 10 of the words they used. After two hours of Church we thought that it was over, however it was a surprise to find that Sunday school was to follow, which was another hour of solely Spanish preaching. A lovely missionary couple from Chicago sought us out of the little crowd (not that we don’t stick out like a sore thumb or anything) and asked us if we wanted to leave go out to lunch with them and enjoy some English conversation. Needless to say we jumped on the invitation!
We drove first to Macao Beach (which is where we went horseback riding on our honeymoon) then we drove to the Palma Real, which is a gorgeous shopping center in front of the Melia Caribe. They took us to Pizarelli for some pizza and conversation. It turned out to be a 4 hour lunch date but it was absolutely wonderful! They are a solid Christian couple probably in their early 50’s. They are from Chicago (in fact they went to Willow Creek Community Church!) and are not living here full time, owning a business as their gateway to missions. They sailed for a year and a half on their sailboat to get here, which is amazing! The more amazing part is that the Lord called them here and provided the way. You see they didn’t pay a dime to do their sailing as means of transportation; they had random donations come from all over to support their venture! Speaking of the Lords miraculous provision for them, the SUV we drove in was also a donation to them. I once read in one of Jim Cymbalas’ books that the Lord doesn’t do “crazy and extravagant miracles” anymore because people don’t anticipated for him to, or even ask for it. I’m learning to do that, I feel as if the Lord desires to do miraculous things but we first have to believe that in His sovereignty He can (not that He has to, but that He can…). Anyways, they were very encouraging and straightforward with us. They prompted us to think about necessities that we do not have yet, informed us about the obstacles we might face, but then assured us that the Lord will protect us if He has called us here. I am truly astonished at the amount of people we have met here already! I mean truly we have only been here now 12 days and the handfuls of Christians, and even non-Christians but helpful people the Lord has brought into our paths is amazing!
This couple started a Christian bookstore about 10 minutes away from our apartment. It is also a language school, offering Russian, Spanish, English, Italian, French, etc. This is their way into the community, for the more languages the poor Dominicans learn, the greater their chance at getting a job in a resort. Their business also offers Bible and Theology classes, in which they said they wanted to talk to me more about maybe teaching there! That would be an amazing experience!
Yesterday we were blessed to go on a 6 hour Catamaran Cruise on the Tropical Storm boat for free! The guy we are working with hooked us up. What a blessing that was! We got to snorkel, have lunch, dance a little ☺ , and just enjoy the ocean. We met a lovely couple on the boat from Canada and ended up spending a lot of the time with them too. As I watched the boat workers I began thinking… You know there’s something about the Dominicans that is unlike Americans… for the mass majority of them, they are SO happy! They are absolutely crazy about their country and are grateful for so much. They always walk around with a smile on their face, yes I’m sure some of it has to do with the fact that they have to make the tourists happy or their job is on the line, but I really feel like it’s an authentic happiness they have. Why is it so hard for Americans, who live in the greatest country with all their necessities at hand to find joy? Most of the Dominicans and Haitians here make $10 US dollars a day, roughly $200 dollars a month. They work at these exquisite and lavish resorts, serving wealthy tourists, and then go home to a dirt floor apartment shared with 5 or 6 other men, typically without electricity and water, and wake up to do it all over again the next day. Yet, they are still happy! I’m learning so much… and I choose to not take what I have for granted anymore. I am truly and richly blessed beyond belief.
You can learn a lot living in a third world country, and I’m trying to soak in every opportunity to do so.
Please pray for us, we were unaware at the necessity of a transportation vehicle. We thought we could get by with a little motorcycle, but we quickly found that it is absolutely too risky to drive that here. The driving is so so so dangerous and we would be asked to get severely hurt or killed. Please pray that the Lord would provide us with something to keep us safer!
We love you all so much!
We drove first to Macao Beach (which is where we went horseback riding on our honeymoon) then we drove to the Palma Real, which is a gorgeous shopping center in front of the Melia Caribe. They took us to Pizarelli for some pizza and conversation. It turned out to be a 4 hour lunch date but it was absolutely wonderful! They are a solid Christian couple probably in their early 50’s. They are from Chicago (in fact they went to Willow Creek Community Church!) and are not living here full time, owning a business as their gateway to missions. They sailed for a year and a half on their sailboat to get here, which is amazing! The more amazing part is that the Lord called them here and provided the way. You see they didn’t pay a dime to do their sailing as means of transportation; they had random donations come from all over to support their venture! Speaking of the Lords miraculous provision for them, the SUV we drove in was also a donation to them. I once read in one of Jim Cymbalas’ books that the Lord doesn’t do “crazy and extravagant miracles” anymore because people don’t anticipated for him to, or even ask for it. I’m learning to do that, I feel as if the Lord desires to do miraculous things but we first have to believe that in His sovereignty He can (not that He has to, but that He can…). Anyways, they were very encouraging and straightforward with us. They prompted us to think about necessities that we do not have yet, informed us about the obstacles we might face, but then assured us that the Lord will protect us if He has called us here. I am truly astonished at the amount of people we have met here already! I mean truly we have only been here now 12 days and the handfuls of Christians, and even non-Christians but helpful people the Lord has brought into our paths is amazing!
This couple started a Christian bookstore about 10 minutes away from our apartment. It is also a language school, offering Russian, Spanish, English, Italian, French, etc. This is their way into the community, for the more languages the poor Dominicans learn, the greater their chance at getting a job in a resort. Their business also offers Bible and Theology classes, in which they said they wanted to talk to me more about maybe teaching there! That would be an amazing experience!
Yesterday we were blessed to go on a 6 hour Catamaran Cruise on the Tropical Storm boat for free! The guy we are working with hooked us up. What a blessing that was! We got to snorkel, have lunch, dance a little ☺ , and just enjoy the ocean. We met a lovely couple on the boat from Canada and ended up spending a lot of the time with them too. As I watched the boat workers I began thinking… You know there’s something about the Dominicans that is unlike Americans… for the mass majority of them, they are SO happy! They are absolutely crazy about their country and are grateful for so much. They always walk around with a smile on their face, yes I’m sure some of it has to do with the fact that they have to make the tourists happy or their job is on the line, but I really feel like it’s an authentic happiness they have. Why is it so hard for Americans, who live in the greatest country with all their necessities at hand to find joy? Most of the Dominicans and Haitians here make $10 US dollars a day, roughly $200 dollars a month. They work at these exquisite and lavish resorts, serving wealthy tourists, and then go home to a dirt floor apartment shared with 5 or 6 other men, typically without electricity and water, and wake up to do it all over again the next day. Yet, they are still happy! I’m learning so much… and I choose to not take what I have for granted anymore. I am truly and richly blessed beyond belief.
You can learn a lot living in a third world country, and I’m trying to soak in every opportunity to do so.
Please pray for us, we were unaware at the necessity of a transportation vehicle. We thought we could get by with a little motorcycle, but we quickly found that it is absolutely too risky to drive that here. The driving is so so so dangerous and we would be asked to get severely hurt or killed. Please pray that the Lord would provide us with something to keep us safer!
We love you all so much!
August 29, 2009
Saturday August 29, 2009 10:00am
So the coolest thing happened this morning!
But before I talk about that let me rewind and summarize yesterday’s events. We mostly hung out at the beach to watch all the intricate details of the pilots day, including set up, giving rides, take down etc. I was privileged to ride the boat for his promotional flight and it was SO fun! Actually, it was my very first time. Which is kind of funny when you think that this is the business we moved here to begin and I haven’t even experienced it myself! We still haven’t been able to buy sunscreen so needless to say I got a LOT of sun yesterday (I know mom, but I couldn’t help it ☺ ).
That night we had arrangements to be taken to the Internet store so we could buy a wireless card. These phone cards seem to be draining quickly and we want to be able to skype people more! So when our ride arrived we unexpectedly were bombarded with discouraging and belittling words. Before this point we had everyone’s support, yes some think were crazy but for the most part people think it’s cool that we want to chase a dream while we are young. Well this particular person pretty much let us have it, told us that we did not think this out and we did not plan well and what do we expect… so on and so forth. Nothing drains life out of you quicker than someone who puts you down. It’s so sad how your mind automatically remembers the put downs more than the uplifts. They say it takes 10 nice comments to erase a negative, and now I’m a believer of this equation. The rest of the night T and I were seemingly lifeless. Were in a foreign country unable to communicate with most, and now without a boost to keep on keepin’ on.
Also before I tell you about the encouraging and ever loving ways of our Lord I want to talk a little more about this “dream” of ours. I’m sure some think we moved to the DR just to merely live in paradise, lounge around, maybe make a few pennies, sip pina coladas, and enjoy life “Hakuna Ma Tata”. As tantalizing as all that is it is on the very opposite spectrum of what we are experiencing here. Am I disappointed? Absolutely not! That wasn’t our goal or even in the cards. You see Trav and I were desperate to find some sort of business that we could run together so we could see more of each other. When we were working in Texas and New York our time together was very minimal. Yes they were fabulous jobs, which could provide us with a lavish lifestyle, but what kind of life is that if you can’t even spend time with the ones you love? I mean if you think about it, what has happened to the “American Dream”? Both parents working way more than 40 hours a week, children being raised by themselves or by a babysitter, the biggest and newest is never satisfying, and after all is said and one… when the entirety of the week was spent at the office by both parents, the bills STILL aren’t met. I guess as we dig deeper into the Word, and draw closer to the Lord and to each other we begin realizing life’s’ true values. And thus we are lead here to the DR, in an effort to escape the normalcy of America. We have a burning desire to revolutionize our marriage and outlook on life. Hoping that if we can make enough to survive our family and friends might be able to join us!
Okay, I know I’m kind of scattered today it’s just that I have so many thoughts streaming through my head that sometimes it’s hard to stay focused ☺ Back to where I was about ending our day discouraged yesterday. Well this morning I was reading in My Utmost for His Highest and it completely lifted me up. I had Trav read it too and he was blown away are its’ relevancy to us! It was titled “The unsurpassed Intimacy of Tested Faith”. The very first sentence says, “Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith and faith is not common sense.” I love that! Our move here does seem illogical and perhaps irrational. However, we are confident that the Lord called us here, for whatever amount of time. So no matter what common sense tells us, we are to lean on our faith! Okay, and it gets better… It assures the reader that once we proclaim that the Lord will provide all of our needs, that the testing of our faith begins (well that has without fail been my heartbeat since we arrived! ☺ ). Oswald Chambers then adds, “When my strength runs dry and my vision is blinded, will I endure this trial of my faith victoriously or will I turn back in defeat?”. Ahh! I love it! Just what we needed to keep our heads lifted and wait in expectancy for the Lord to move mightily!
After my time with the Lord we noticed that we had a visitor, its precious Maria! (She is the mother of the guy we are working for). She is a Christian and one of the most wonderful and hospitable people I have ever met. Her English is not that great so we are having a ball teaching each other our native languages! Anyways, she rushes upstairs and kisses our cheeks and tells us that she wants to introduce us to a young couple that wants to take us to an English speaking Baptist church tomorrow. Little did we know they actually live just a few doors down!
We make our way over and meet them. The young man is from the DR and his wife is from Spain. They are both solid believers and radiate Christ’s’ love! The man is a realtor and he took us to his office, which is also just a few doors down. There we met a few more of the real estate employees. They without shame told us this business was a solid group of believers and that things of the Lord are spoken about all the time in that building. They said they would take care of us and watch out for us… also adding that they knew everyone in town and could pin point who would lie to us, who would steal from us, who would take advantage.. etc. etc. They also invited us to a house party today at 3pm in Cap Cana (this is Donald Trumps development which we have been dying to see!).
We will be going and we are so excited to being these relationships with believers! The Lords’ hand is never too short to provide, even relationally! So that’s the agenda for today. It’s now 10:30 am and were still waiting to be taken to get the internet… our ride was supposed to be here at 8:30am ☺
It’s so nice to be relaxed again… the Lord is in control and I trust Him with all that I am.
Love ya’ll and miss you!
But before I talk about that let me rewind and summarize yesterday’s events. We mostly hung out at the beach to watch all the intricate details of the pilots day, including set up, giving rides, take down etc. I was privileged to ride the boat for his promotional flight and it was SO fun! Actually, it was my very first time. Which is kind of funny when you think that this is the business we moved here to begin and I haven’t even experienced it myself! We still haven’t been able to buy sunscreen so needless to say I got a LOT of sun yesterday (I know mom, but I couldn’t help it ☺ ).
That night we had arrangements to be taken to the Internet store so we could buy a wireless card. These phone cards seem to be draining quickly and we want to be able to skype people more! So when our ride arrived we unexpectedly were bombarded with discouraging and belittling words. Before this point we had everyone’s support, yes some think were crazy but for the most part people think it’s cool that we want to chase a dream while we are young. Well this particular person pretty much let us have it, told us that we did not think this out and we did not plan well and what do we expect… so on and so forth. Nothing drains life out of you quicker than someone who puts you down. It’s so sad how your mind automatically remembers the put downs more than the uplifts. They say it takes 10 nice comments to erase a negative, and now I’m a believer of this equation. The rest of the night T and I were seemingly lifeless. Were in a foreign country unable to communicate with most, and now without a boost to keep on keepin’ on.
Also before I tell you about the encouraging and ever loving ways of our Lord I want to talk a little more about this “dream” of ours. I’m sure some think we moved to the DR just to merely live in paradise, lounge around, maybe make a few pennies, sip pina coladas, and enjoy life “Hakuna Ma Tata”. As tantalizing as all that is it is on the very opposite spectrum of what we are experiencing here. Am I disappointed? Absolutely not! That wasn’t our goal or even in the cards. You see Trav and I were desperate to find some sort of business that we could run together so we could see more of each other. When we were working in Texas and New York our time together was very minimal. Yes they were fabulous jobs, which could provide us with a lavish lifestyle, but what kind of life is that if you can’t even spend time with the ones you love? I mean if you think about it, what has happened to the “American Dream”? Both parents working way more than 40 hours a week, children being raised by themselves or by a babysitter, the biggest and newest is never satisfying, and after all is said and one… when the entirety of the week was spent at the office by both parents, the bills STILL aren’t met. I guess as we dig deeper into the Word, and draw closer to the Lord and to each other we begin realizing life’s’ true values. And thus we are lead here to the DR, in an effort to escape the normalcy of America. We have a burning desire to revolutionize our marriage and outlook on life. Hoping that if we can make enough to survive our family and friends might be able to join us!
Okay, I know I’m kind of scattered today it’s just that I have so many thoughts streaming through my head that sometimes it’s hard to stay focused ☺ Back to where I was about ending our day discouraged yesterday. Well this morning I was reading in My Utmost for His Highest and it completely lifted me up. I had Trav read it too and he was blown away are its’ relevancy to us! It was titled “The unsurpassed Intimacy of Tested Faith”. The very first sentence says, “Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith and faith is not common sense.” I love that! Our move here does seem illogical and perhaps irrational. However, we are confident that the Lord called us here, for whatever amount of time. So no matter what common sense tells us, we are to lean on our faith! Okay, and it gets better… It assures the reader that once we proclaim that the Lord will provide all of our needs, that the testing of our faith begins (well that has without fail been my heartbeat since we arrived! ☺ ). Oswald Chambers then adds, “When my strength runs dry and my vision is blinded, will I endure this trial of my faith victoriously or will I turn back in defeat?”. Ahh! I love it! Just what we needed to keep our heads lifted and wait in expectancy for the Lord to move mightily!
After my time with the Lord we noticed that we had a visitor, its precious Maria! (She is the mother of the guy we are working for). She is a Christian and one of the most wonderful and hospitable people I have ever met. Her English is not that great so we are having a ball teaching each other our native languages! Anyways, she rushes upstairs and kisses our cheeks and tells us that she wants to introduce us to a young couple that wants to take us to an English speaking Baptist church tomorrow. Little did we know they actually live just a few doors down!
We make our way over and meet them. The young man is from the DR and his wife is from Spain. They are both solid believers and radiate Christ’s’ love! The man is a realtor and he took us to his office, which is also just a few doors down. There we met a few more of the real estate employees. They without shame told us this business was a solid group of believers and that things of the Lord are spoken about all the time in that building. They said they would take care of us and watch out for us… also adding that they knew everyone in town and could pin point who would lie to us, who would steal from us, who would take advantage.. etc. etc. They also invited us to a house party today at 3pm in Cap Cana (this is Donald Trumps development which we have been dying to see!).
We will be going and we are so excited to being these relationships with believers! The Lords’ hand is never too short to provide, even relationally! So that’s the agenda for today. It’s now 10:30 am and were still waiting to be taken to get the internet… our ride was supposed to be here at 8:30am ☺
It’s so nice to be relaxed again… the Lord is in control and I trust Him with all that I am.
Love ya’ll and miss you!
August 27, 2009
Thursday August 27, 2009 11:45am
Early this morning Trav and I spent some time in prayer together. We were praying for both of our families and it made me think about how richly blessed we are with the families that stand behind us, encourage us, and support us. From Gary and Val helping us in so many ways, to my family housing us and taking care of us this summer we can’t even believe how blessed we are to be showered in so much love! We hope that one day we will be able to pay them back for their enormous acts of kindness. We without a doubt would not be able to take this risk and chase this adventure if it weren’t for them.
After we prayed we got ready to start our day…
I’m sure you can see a common theme throughout my blog that things are ever so slow here in this paradise. This morning (9:30) we were on our way to our friends’ pool to cool off and use their WIFI to settle shipping details. On our way we passed our landlord and she said the guy was on his way to fix our cable. So I came back to our place and Trav headed to the beach to talk business with the guy we are working for. It’s now noon and still no cable guy… haha.
With no pool in our backyard, Internet or cable it is easy to find time to have devotionals. This is actually a huge blessing living in an environment with fewer distractions leading us away from our priorities. This morning I’ve been able to catch up on lots of reading in the Word. It was so refreshing and comforting, especially in our current struggles/situations. I’ll share a couple of the verses that spoke to me the most…
Psalm 7:10 “My shield is God Most High who saves the upright in heart”
Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you”
Along with drawing nearer to the Lord, another beauty of our new move is the intense ways in which my husband and I are drawing closer to each other. We don’t have the modern technologies and distractions to be able to distance ourselves from each other (not that we want to… but sometimes it unintentionally happens). We can barely even communicate with other people here. Therefore, truly all we have is the Lord and each other. We were best friends before we even started dating, but this solidifies that we aren’t just spouses and lovers, but we still envelope the best friend element which is vital in marriage! We love to have fun and enjoy being in each other’s presences all day long. Even if we aren’t successful building a business here, we have learned so much and brought our relationship to a new and beautiful depth. Despite all the chaos and the fear of the unknown, it is totally worth the new fruits that are blossoming. I adore Travis and can’t imagine doing this crazy adventure with out him; in fact I wouldn’t even want to!
That’s all for now—
Love & miss y’all!
After we prayed we got ready to start our day…
I’m sure you can see a common theme throughout my blog that things are ever so slow here in this paradise. This morning (9:30) we were on our way to our friends’ pool to cool off and use their WIFI to settle shipping details. On our way we passed our landlord and she said the guy was on his way to fix our cable. So I came back to our place and Trav headed to the beach to talk business with the guy we are working for. It’s now noon and still no cable guy… haha.
With no pool in our backyard, Internet or cable it is easy to find time to have devotionals. This is actually a huge blessing living in an environment with fewer distractions leading us away from our priorities. This morning I’ve been able to catch up on lots of reading in the Word. It was so refreshing and comforting, especially in our current struggles/situations. I’ll share a couple of the verses that spoke to me the most…
Psalm 7:10 “My shield is God Most High who saves the upright in heart”
Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you”
Along with drawing nearer to the Lord, another beauty of our new move is the intense ways in which my husband and I are drawing closer to each other. We don’t have the modern technologies and distractions to be able to distance ourselves from each other (not that we want to… but sometimes it unintentionally happens). We can barely even communicate with other people here. Therefore, truly all we have is the Lord and each other. We were best friends before we even started dating, but this solidifies that we aren’t just spouses and lovers, but we still envelope the best friend element which is vital in marriage! We love to have fun and enjoy being in each other’s presences all day long. Even if we aren’t successful building a business here, we have learned so much and brought our relationship to a new and beautiful depth. Despite all the chaos and the fear of the unknown, it is totally worth the new fruits that are blossoming. I adore Travis and can’t imagine doing this crazy adventure with out him; in fact I wouldn’t even want to!
That’s all for now—
Love & miss y’all!
Thursday August 27, 2009 11:45am
Early this morning Trav and I spent some time in prayer together. We were praying for both of our families and it made me think about how richly blessed we are with the families that stand behind us, encourage us, and support us. From Gary and Val helping us in so many ways, to my family housing us and taking care of us this summer we can’t even believe how blessed we are to be showered in so much love! We hope that one day we will be able to pay them back for their enormous acts of kindness. We without a doubt would not be able to take this risk and chase this adventure if it weren’t for them.
After we prayed we got ready to start our day…
I’m sure you can see a common theme throughout my blog that things are ever so slow here in this paradise. This morning (9:30) we were on our way to our friends’ pool to cool off and use their WIFI to settle shipping details. On our way we passed our landlord and she said the guy was on his way to fix our cable. So I came back to our place and Trav headed to the beach to talk business with the guy we are working for. It’s now noon and still no cable guy… haha.
With no pool in our backyard, Internet or cable it is easy to find time to have devotionals. This is actually a huge blessing living in an environment with fewer distractions leading us away from our priorities. This morning I’ve been able to catch up on lots of reading in the Word. It was so refreshing and comforting, especially in our current struggles/situations. I’ll share a couple of the verses that spoke to me the most…
Psalm 7:10 “My shield is God Most High who saves the upright in heart”
Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you”
Along with drawing nearer to the Lord, another beauty of our new move is the intense ways in which my husband and I are drawing closer to each other. We don’t have the modern technologies and distractions to be able to distance ourselves from each other (not that we want to… but sometimes it unintentionally happens). We can barely even communicate with other people here. Therefore, truly all we have is the Lord and each other. We were best friends before we even started dating, but this solidifies that we aren’t just spouses and lovers, but we still envelope the best friend element which is vital in marriage! We love to have fun and enjoy being in each other’s presences all day long. Even if we aren’t successful building a business here, we have learned so much and brought our relationship to a new and beautiful depth. Despite all the chaos and the fear of the unknown, it is totally worth the new fruits that are blossoming. I adore Travis and can’t imagine doing this crazy adventure with out him; in fact I wouldn’t even want to!
That’s all for now—
Love & miss y’all!
After we prayed we got ready to start our day…
I’m sure you can see a common theme throughout my blog that things are ever so slow here in this paradise. This morning (9:30) we were on our way to our friends’ pool to cool off and use their WIFI to settle shipping details. On our way we passed our landlord and she said the guy was on his way to fix our cable. So I came back to our place and Trav headed to the beach to talk business with the guy we are working for. It’s now noon and still no cable guy… haha.
With no pool in our backyard, Internet or cable it is easy to find time to have devotionals. This is actually a huge blessing living in an environment with fewer distractions leading us away from our priorities. This morning I’ve been able to catch up on lots of reading in the Word. It was so refreshing and comforting, especially in our current struggles/situations. I’ll share a couple of the verses that spoke to me the most…
Psalm 7:10 “My shield is God Most High who saves the upright in heart”
Psalm 9:9-10 “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you”
Along with drawing nearer to the Lord, another beauty of our new move is the intense ways in which my husband and I are drawing closer to each other. We don’t have the modern technologies and distractions to be able to distance ourselves from each other (not that we want to… but sometimes it unintentionally happens). We can barely even communicate with other people here. Therefore, truly all we have is the Lord and each other. We were best friends before we even started dating, but this solidifies that we aren’t just spouses and lovers, but we still envelope the best friend element which is vital in marriage! We love to have fun and enjoy being in each other’s presences all day long. Even if we aren’t successful building a business here, we have learned so much and brought our relationship to a new and beautiful depth. Despite all the chaos and the fear of the unknown, it is totally worth the new fruits that are blossoming. I adore Travis and can’t imagine doing this crazy adventure with out him; in fact I wouldn’t even want to!
That’s all for now—
Love & miss y’all!
Wednesday August 26, 2009 7:30pm
Things are still realllllllly slowwwww. Coming from New York to the DR is quite the adjustment. I’m used to being busy busy busy and getting things done ASAP. Here, it is whenever it gets done it gets done (IF it gets done…).
Our boat/plane is supposed to be shipped Friday and its’ anticipated arrival is September 2nd. The guy we are working for is requiring that Trav have at least 150 more hours of practice before he is allowed to take tourists for rides. Which means we won’t be having an income for quite some time. It’s an unsettling feeling not knowing when the next dollar will be made as we watch our bank account drain from our necessities alone. I am learning so much about the sovereignty and favor of our God. Truly NONE of our situation is in our hands. We have absolutely zero control over this business and we are learning that all we can do is pray and draw near to the Lord. To outsiders we look crazy, (and perhaps we are) but this is the time when we wait and anticipate the Lord to work mightily in our lives. We believe he will prove himself faithful and we claim that His hand is not too short to give! And if this is not the Lords will then He will direct our paths to the next adventure.
Being that we don’t have our plane yet we don’t have much to do during the day. This afternoon we had a missionary couple over. We heard about them through a nurse that gave us our shots to come to the DR. The Lord works in crazy ways! We were able to chat with them for a while and learn about the types of ministry they are doing. They anticipate moving here in mid-September. We are excited because that would give us an outlet of ministry as well!
That’s all for now… nothing too exciting we are just waiting, waiting, waiting! Please pray for patience for us and for the Lord to provide. The sooner the guy we are working for lets us fly, the better!
Love and miss y’all! ☺
Our boat/plane is supposed to be shipped Friday and its’ anticipated arrival is September 2nd. The guy we are working for is requiring that Trav have at least 150 more hours of practice before he is allowed to take tourists for rides. Which means we won’t be having an income for quite some time. It’s an unsettling feeling not knowing when the next dollar will be made as we watch our bank account drain from our necessities alone. I am learning so much about the sovereignty and favor of our God. Truly NONE of our situation is in our hands. We have absolutely zero control over this business and we are learning that all we can do is pray and draw near to the Lord. To outsiders we look crazy, (and perhaps we are) but this is the time when we wait and anticipate the Lord to work mightily in our lives. We believe he will prove himself faithful and we claim that His hand is not too short to give! And if this is not the Lords will then He will direct our paths to the next adventure.
Being that we don’t have our plane yet we don’t have much to do during the day. This afternoon we had a missionary couple over. We heard about them through a nurse that gave us our shots to come to the DR. The Lord works in crazy ways! We were able to chat with them for a while and learn about the types of ministry they are doing. They anticipate moving here in mid-September. We are excited because that would give us an outlet of ministry as well!
That’s all for now… nothing too exciting we are just waiting, waiting, waiting! Please pray for patience for us and for the Lord to provide. The sooner the guy we are working for lets us fly, the better!
Love and miss y’all! ☺
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