**Just a reminder: we absolutely love and adore our families and friends… please don’t take offense if we haven’t been able to call or email lately… we still don’t have internet and we are trying to get connected every chance we get!**
Day FIFTEEN! We have officially been here more than two weeks. Honestly, it has flown by already, (which is surprising since we still aren’t working)… It is so humbling to examine these past 14 days and give an account for all the ways the Lord has miraculously provided for us. From the finances, to the newly birthed relationships with fellow believers (we met yet ANOTHER Christian couple who are pastors yesterday!), to finding a cheaper shipping company for our plane/boat, to people graciously offering us rides to get groceries… the Lord ALWAYS proves himself faithful. I believe that His hand is not too short to give and that He would never lead us to somewhere and then abandon us.
Isaiah 54: 10: “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the Lord who has compassion on you”.
Even though every sense of security could be stripped from my life (and perhaps is right now ☺) he will ceaselessly love me and shower peace on me. And at the end of the day, that is all that matters!
Isaiah 26:3-4 “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord, is the Rock eternal”.
There’s something so soothing about reminiscing on the Lords’ past faithfulness. In fact, I think its one of the greatest remedies to not only endure, but triumph over current trials. To remember that He demonstrated favor for us before, even when we absolutely are unworthy of His love and provision.
As far as current events…
Nothing too exciting has been going on the past few days. We are just making phone calls, sending emails, continuing the process of starting our business, walking the beach, and sitting in our sauna of an apartment ☺. However, and not be negative, but we have faced some struggles the past two days.
First, we are learning that indeed some natives are “wolves dressed up in sheep’s clothing” (or snakes, or “tigres”, etc.). We are trying to develop proper discernment on whom we can trust and whom we can’t. Honestly, we are struggling with not becoming jaded by the people’s devious schemes. Traditionally, we offer the idea that upon every new relationship that person is given full trust until it is clear we can’t offer it anymore. However, now we are struggling with offering trust to anyone we just meet. I do not think that is right though… this is where I am searching the Scriptures to see how I am supposed approach this. I want to aim to do all in a manner that glorifies Him! Instead of becoming frustrated with them and wanting to fire back, I am trying to be sympathetic to the fact that they desperately need Jesus, and I should be praying for them. I am called to love my enemies and that is my new mindset ☺.
Matthew 5:44 “But I tell you, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”.
Secondly, Trav and I had our first tiff while living here yesterday. Let me tell you there’s nothing more humbling than being in a Country where truly all you have is your spouse, and then being at odds with them. He’s all I have and when we’re not good it affects you a lot more than if you were in the states and could vent and heal normally. Now I believe in the sanctity and exclusiveness of marriage so I will not go on any further into details, because it’s irrelevant and solely between him and I. (I just have to mention this to enhance why this mornings’ blessing was even more wonderful!) Anyways, after a tough day and the weight of current circumstances wearing us down, blurring our vision and focus, and making us irritable with each other we decided to humble ourselves of our prideful attitudes and reconcile. We authentically made amends and everything was wonderful again.
So after reconciling last night, and getting refreshed from healthy conversation I woke up this morning to a slight rain shower that displayed a gorgeous double rainbow. To me it was a physical display of rejuvenation and a gift from the Lord to remind me of all the promises He has made to His children. We don’t need to be uptight, we must be steadfast in pursuing our relationship with Him and with pursuing the vision He has called us to.
Genesis 9:12-15 “And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”
Yes we are in a pit, a very big, deep, dark, and seemingly endless pit, but I know the Lord has called us here to refine us, teach us, and change us so that while we walk in His will, we will also be transformed into His image. Isn’t that what life is about anyhow? Being transformed into a different person… becoming so in love with Christ that it effortlessly beckons others to love him as well? If that is all I get out of this crazy experience then it makes it all worth it. I desire to use every event in my life, good or bad, to be an illustration to others about the Lords faithfulness and unfathomable love.
2 Corinthians 7: 4 “… I am greatly encouraged: in all our troubles my JOY KNOWS NO BOUNDS”
We love you all more than you will ever know!