August 27, 2008

one more thing...

thought you might like to see a Virginia sunset...

Week Two

First week of classes, done!

First Paper, done!

First quiz, done!

I definitely hit the pavement running here! I'm busy busy with school work but learning SO much! I love all my classes (Revelation/Daniel, Acts, Genesis, Church History, and Women in Ministry).

Here's another update... as mentioned in earlier blogs I'm a fan of changed lives. I love them and the radically testimony they can give the world. Well, back in the summer the Lord told me to lay down my relationship with my boyfriend. It was hard but I knew it was the right thing to do at that time. During these few months apart the Lord totally rocked his world, transformed his life, and revealed so many things to him. It's so exciting to see it lived out! I'm a firm believer that the Lord, in his timing, will bless your obedience. Now, with his new perspective on life, and new found priorities, it gives me complete confidence in Him. As long as he's locked in to Christ, I am able to trust him and his leading. The Lord is SO merciful and gracious to us. He visited me this past week and set up a fun photo shoot... here's a few pictures.

Love you and miss you all!

August 19, 2008

Update for my precious family & adopted family at home :)

Well, I made it!

Just shy of 1000 miles later, here I am sitting on my couch in my new house. The place I'll call "home" for the next 9 months.

So I'm sure you're wonering "what's it like?" "are you excited" "are you nervous"... etc.

To be honest, about a week before I actually moved I started getting slightly... umm.. nervous. I began second guessing my decision and trying to evaluate if I was truly walking in obedience with the Lord. My desire it to keep my commitments, so despite these feelings I decided to follow through with the plan. Let me just tell you how good My God is. 15 hours is a long time in the car, alone. But, it was so peaceful and full of the Lords presence. I listened to one worship CD after another, singing my little heart out :) (Thanks Jo Lynn and Sharen!)

Something so amazing happened when I began getting close to Lynchburg. It was like an overwhelming sense of calmness and peacefulness swept over me. At this time the sun began to set and the half of the sky was brilliantly covered in the most beautiful pink, while the other half was midnight blue with a full moon set just so. It was breathtaking! There's something about the mountains and a sunset that bring me to my knees in awe of my creator. He is good! I am confident I'm where I'm supposed to be at this season of my life. There's nothing more comforting to know that you are choosing to let the Lord direct your steps.

By this point, I've been to three classes. My professors are amazing, but boy do I have my work cut out for me! I'll tell more about that later.

But, Until then-- I love you all and am praying for you! You can pray that I get a job and a place to minister/invest in others! I Know the Lord will provide.

July 28, 2008

Long time.

So I haven't written in over a month which surprises me because it's so theraputic for me. But, I think it stems from the vast lessons the Lord has been teaching me. For the past month I really have started getting a whole new perspective on life, the value of time, the importance of priorities, and the sacrafice of walking in obedience.

The first story the Lord let me see in another light this week was in Daniel 3. Many of you who grew up in church know how the story goes... King Neb. makes huge gold statue, he demands that his citiziens bow down and worship it, three men with crazy names stand up and refuse to obey him, they get thrown into the fiery furnace and the Lord saved them. It turns King Neb. heart and starts following the real God.

But, when I read the story verse by verse, soaking it all in, I saw things in such a different light!

First, King Neb. had quite the temper! It makes me think about how much harder it is to walk in obedince and stand up for right when you have a man quick to anger dealing with you. Me, being a people pleaser would probably hold true to my conviction but I would definately sugar coat my answers to him. I hate confrontation, I hate being a let down and disappointment, and I get uneasy around angry men. But how amazing is it that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego simply respond to the King by saying "O Neb. we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, teh God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand. O King. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O King, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image you have set up". WOW!

I strive to live a life of obedience. But, do I handle my convictions with the grace that these men did? Can I just rest in the confidence of knowing that the Lord called me to act upon my conviction and let that be enough? I believe that response reflects whether I truly trust him or not...

June 29, 2008

is wisdom all it's cracked up to be?

Sometimes it's difficult to not look at another persons lot, and eagerly to desire what they have... atleast I know it is for me. Have many times have we complained that the wicked seem to always prosper why the upright never catch a break? Why is this?

I was reading in Ecclesiastes the other day, chapter 7 and I was completely consumed by King Solomons words. Chapter 7 is all about wisdom, the value of it as well as it's benefits. Initially I was aware that wisdom was something positive and it is something we should passionately pursue. However, I don't think I ever actually accepted the fact that wisdom is truly better than riches, than prosperity, than anything else that tempts to steal our efforts and time. Check out verse 12 it says, "Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor." That blew my mind! Wisdom is a shelter like money is. Today you can't even survive without money, it provides our every physical need, from our nourishment, to our protection, clothing, etc. But, is it really true that we cannot survive without wisdom... more importantly do I pursue it like I believe it?

June 18, 2008


Do you ever struggle with obediently chasing your calling? Lately Satans been feeding me lies about my calling to be fully invovled in ministry. Everything from me being a single female, to not being financially secure in the future, to feeling that I'm inadequate and unworthy have been streaming in my thoughts. Whenever I struggle in this area the Lord, in His timing, He will graciously confirm my calling and fuel my desire for an abundant life again. After watching this video I was able to regain my vision, of why my heart beats for ministry. I want to know Christ and make Him known. I'm addicted to changed lives and want to be proactive in leading the hurting to Him! Check it out--

June 12, 2008


need. yet another reason we get enticed by false gods & idols. We naively believe that they will bring us what we feel we need.

The biblical support for this objective lies in Genesis 16. This is the story of Sarai & Abram. At this point in the book these two characters are advanced in years, and to no surprise the Lord has chosen to make Sarai barren for this specific season of her life. Verse two says, "so she said to Abram, "The LORD has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her."" Well no explanation is needed to describe the wrong in this situation. Sarai knew what the Lord has chosen for her, yet boldly chose to take matters into her own hands. So she commands her husband to sleep with Hagar, the maidservant, and Hagar carries their child, Ishmael. (I'll give her some credit though, she had legitimate reason for concern. However, this was simply an outlet to test her faith in the Lord.) Back to the story... Sarai's devious plan did not produce the intended results. It actually ends in devastation, and she turns into an emotional wreck. Luckily, our God is a soverign God, and by chapter 21 He graciously reveals that His plans all along were to give her what He promised. So she became pregnant and gave birth to Issac, and thus got what her heart desired, a family.

Moral of the story: if we're pursuing Christ in the way we are called, our desires will parallel the Lord's, and according to Psalm 37: 4 he desperately wants to give them to us.
"Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

The difficult aspect is that His timing is very rarely the same as ours. That's what I'm currently learning, and learning it the hard way might I add. I actually hate waiting, it's a huge struggle of mine. But, I believe that He won't reveal until I learn to embrace.

June 11, 2008

idols- part two

I'm sure you're wondering what this "idol" theme is all about, and why I'm hooked on it. Well I started a Bible Study with an amazing group of incoming college freshman girls, and we're going through the study called No Other Gods by Kelly Minter. This study is rocking my world and bringing to lights things the Lord has been trying to whisper to me for some time now. I love learning and sharing. So here's my latest find--

1 Samuel 8: 1-22.
This story is about Israel's elders who desperately wanted a king to rule their nation (because "all the other nations had them"). Mistake number one, we should not desire another person's lot. Samuel sought the Lord for His guidance, as to whether or not he should grant his people's request, and the Lord replied that these people have rejected Him as their King, they are forsaking him and serving other gods. But the Lord said, go ahead, give them what they want but what that King brings will not be good (followed by a lengthy paragraph of all the accompaniments of a new King). The Lord even warns them that once all these devastation's are unleashed, they will cry out for relief, but He will not answer them. Samuel, offering these people vast grace, relays the message the Lord gave, hoping that they would heed caution. Not to our surprise, these people insisted that their plans were far better, and demanded a King. Samuel finally listens, and we can assume that the Lord followed through with his word.

It amazes me how stubborn we can be when we have our minds made up! The Israelites, God's chosen people, were so concerned about who was leading them and who they would be identified with that they lost sight of who they were, and what all they had. They were willing to risk all that the Lord had for them for the sake of normalcy and mediocrity.

Look at our culture, this environment where we are taught that identity is not in our individuality or in Christ, but rather in something or in someone. I'll speak on behalf of women for this issue, since I can relate to what we think, feel, and desire. I acknowledge that it is a huge struggle for us to not be consumed by relationships and our future. To not associate our value in who's hand we're holding or how many kids we've raised. My observances tell me that ever since we were little we have had the continual pressure of being prepared to marry and mother. How often were we encouraged to find our identity in Christ and in Christ alone? When was the last time you were told to allow yourself to be molded into the woman the Lord has called you and designed you to be? I would assume it's been a while. We, I believe, are called to find our completeness and our wholeness in Christ, as a single. So that when He graciously brings our "prince" along, we are fully prepared to engage relationally and offer Him our complete self (complete in Christ, as a mature & zealous Christian). Please see my heart and my pure motive, I hope this paragraph does not send ANY feminist vibes. I just feel strongly that in order to one day have a thriving and Godly relationship that we have to own these and conquer our insecurities, and boys, in the long run, it will help you out too!