October 5, 2009

October 5, 2009

Update on our DR stuff:

Trav was having a few complications finishing his requirements for his Sports Pilots License, but the Lord has opened all the doors for him to finish! This is very exciting because we had all of the pieces put together for our operations internationally but this one little necessity was holding us back.

Our business is still in the process of being created as we speak! This is also very exciting. And now we are just waiting on our tourism & flying permits before we can finally begin flying passengers!

So for now we just wait and anticipate the Lords provision in our lives. It can be very unnerving not having a steady income, yet continually needing to pay bills/fees/unexpected expenses, etc. It's at those moments when I feel completely helpless & at times hopeless. I feel like most people would have given up by this point. I do not say that boastfully but just that this process is very very difficult and stressful. Sometimes the easier road drenched in security looks a million times more enticing than this deep pit. But we must stay focused and hold fast to this vision. For I once read, "The dip creates scarcity and scarcity creates value". We must keep walking ahead in obedience to the calling that the Lord has put on our lives. I believe He will meet our needs and pave the way even when reality says absolutely not possible!

So, we are still in Houston, Texas. We ventured out to the Hill Country (by Austin, TX) for Travis' birthday. I have never been out that way and I must say it is stunningly beautiful! We had a wonderful weekend at the deer lease. Its a gorgeous piece of property consisting of 300 acres of hills, trees, cows, cactus, etc. Our little puppy LOVES the country! Being that it was Travs 25th birthday... all he wanted was to shoot a pig, and lets just say he got his wish! He shot a 75 lb. hog in the middle of the night using a flashlight. At least its comforting being married to a hunter because I know we will never starve :) haha We had lots of quality time together playing scrabble and laughing. It was just what we needed to de-stress a little!

Being back in the US reminds me of how easy it is to stray from the Lord. To be complete transparent with you, I have not had a quiet time since we've been back here; I have only been listening to worship music. I could easily list off a million reasons why, but there really is no excuse. It should consistently be a priority whether I have nothing to do, like in the DR, or whether I'm in the states having an array of distractions beckoning at me. I refuse to let Satan get a foot hold on me, and I'm not being wise by not protecting myself with the proper armor. So I'm digging back into it... and I'll let you know what I learn :)

love and miss you all!

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