November 6, 2009

From Travis :)

November 5, 2009

This is Travis writing… I felt like so many monumental things happened today that I just had to write it down, lest I forget what God has brought us through and to. When D and I sat down to write I grabbed the computer and then just stared at the screen. After a few seconds I looked over and said, “How do you start these things?”…haha. I have never blogged before so excuse me if I don’t write the stereotypical message.

Up to this point in our Dominican journey we have been under a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. Living in a third world country alone is enough to give someone from the US an ulcer, but for us starting a business it’s even worse. I doubt Danielle has left any stone unturned, so I wont rehash what’s already been discussed.

After our hiatus in the States we came back with plenty of supercharged enthusiasm. We had several days to discuss the highs and lows of our first trip over. That break also gave us a chance to clear our heads and think with a clear conscience about what our strategy would be going back into the country. If anyone knows me very well they know how excited, crazy, and passionate I can get about some things. Well, business is one of those things. There is just something about business that sends me into a frenzy when I let my creativity run wild with scenarios and possibilities. I guess that’s part of being ADHD. By the way, D gets so frustrated when I get in my “zone” and somehow totally ignore everything going on around me.

So here we are….were back in the country and ready to grab the bull by the horns! We met with some friends and sent out some emails hoping to generate interest in our services. I honestly thought that our offer was so genius anyone who turned it down had to be down right brainless. It’s no mystery that we have one of the most sought after excursions on the island, yet we received absolutely ZERO feedback from our efforts. We created a proposal letter that we thought was sure to be a homerun with our prospective tour operators, but nothing was replied to. Imagine being in the last game of the World Series, all tied up, last inning, bases loaded and your up to bat. There’s a seemingly perfect opportunity to be a major producer for the team, yet you whiff every single ball. That’s pretty close to how I felt.

At this point in the game were almost do or die. I feel like any second God is gonna pull us through and then….BOOM, another dashed hope. I’m sure you’ve read up to this point and you can imagine the rollercoaster ride that it has been so far. It seems like were climbing a colossal mountain, fighting every inch to the top. When we get close enough to see over to the other side we begin to smile and prematurely celebrate, thinking that were done struggling and gasping for air. Yet every time we get close to the top, there seems to be a giant of a man that always shows up right in time to kick us back down to the bottom. This has happened so many times here that I have honestly had to psych myself out to keep my head in the game. I knew quitting wasn’t an option so I literally had to trick myself into believing that we could achieve this goal. A goal that deep down I told myself was far beyond our reach, yet somehow mustered the strength to continue pursuing. I know that sounds really weird, but we faced so many giants that I thought were impossible to conquer. In my heart of hearts there have been times where I thought that this dream of ours is nothing but a mirage. A mirage that looked so promising and foolproof, yet every time I thought we were making progress on it we only found our selves equally as far as when we had started out. The hurdles have seemed so big and unachievable that I know we couldn’t do this on our own. God has put so many random people in our paths it’s almost comical to us. To think that two 20-somethings could get this far on our own is absurd. God Almighty has been so incredibly good to us!

Today, we teamed up with our friend in the capitol, Richard. He has been a tremendous help to us throughout this whole process. We left the house with a plan to hit up the aviation department and see where we stood on our pilot license paperwork and aircraft registration. First, we went on wild goose chase for some medical certificate that the paperwork said we needed. After about and hour or two I got really frustrated and suggested that we just go to the aviation dept. and present what we had filled out. My plan was simply to inquire if we had all our ducks in a row with the exception of the medical certificate.

Richard is awesome and he knows our situation very well, so most of the time he talks to the people without us knowing what’s going on. We went through several people and finally got to the head of the licensing division. Everything we have been told up to this point is that I needed to convert my US pilot license to a Dominican one. However, after talking with this gentleman I found out that having a DR license was sort of a luxury rather than a necessity. That relieved a load of stress, lots of money, and stacks of paperwork out of the equation. Our last stop was to figure out how to get the boat registered. We went round and round with the guy on what the requirements were. He told us that they were in transition from an old law to a new one so we needed to submit a letter asking which law we must abide by. Seemed silly to us, considering we could ask someone verbally much easier and quicker. We were so confused by this point. After debating with the guy for several minutes I said, “Cant we just pull the file on the guy who is flying near us now and do exactly what he did?” You would think I just invented the wheel when I made that statement! They proceeded to pull the file and the rest is history. Now we have all our ducks in a row and tomorrow we go to submit all of our final documents. This should land us all the permits we need for operating.

Were not totally in the clear yet, but this is definitely a monumental moment for us. Consider the fact that the man we originally came to work under said it might take years to get the proper permits. That man has made me so mad throughout this whole process. I really have such a hard time trusting anyone now.

We have come such a long way in our journey! The end seems near, but there’s still lots of work to be done. At least now I can get the boat in the air and practice more. The Lord has been ever so faithful to us throughout all of our trials here. Were so thankful for all of our friends and family that remember to pray for us as we continue to fight.

I don’t know if any of this makes sense. I just figured I would throw my 2 cents in to give a little different perspective to what is going on.

Much love!

Travis Baggett

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