November 4, 2009

Valleys & Mountaintops

November 4, 2009

It’s the middle of the week and Trav and I got to a point of utter frustration this afternoon. Instead of sulking in our annoyance we decided to jump out in faith again and make our way to the Capitol in an attempt to meet with the officials who are able to present us the proper permits. So within 15 minutes our bag was packed and we made our way to the bus stop. So, here I am, writing away and processing all of my thoughts on the wonderful “gua gua”. These buses are actually very comfortable with their cushiony seats and fully functioning air conditioning. They even play movies the whole time, in Spanish of course! Trust me, by this point I’m dying to learn the language. I’m not too prideful to admit that I underestimated the necessity of being fluent in Spanish. I do try speaking it though, and I think the locals appreciate that tremedously.

So anyways, I guess we are trying to discern the difference between waiting on the Lord, and acting because we believe the Lord will move. I still haven’t figured out when to do which, but I believe He will honor our tenacity to see His will done. We believe He has called us here so we are choosing to boldly take action to make sure we can survive. Once all of the details are smoothed out if appears that it will be easier to direct our energy and time into other avenues, like ministry and such. But at this point (and perhaps this sounds selfish) it all must go to the foundations of the business.

You see this is the beauty of life. I have spent so many days, months, and years begging the Lord to work on me as a woman. To make me a strong woman who fears Him, yet is ingrained with an innate passion for Him. The kind of person whose whole life exhibits undeniable obedience to the calling He has for me. To live daily with the goal of loving others extravagantly and offering encouragement to all who cross my path. I desire for people to be drawn to Christ when they see how I live my life. For my life is not my own, it is His. So during this time of frustration and emotional chaos, I need to embrace it and recognize that it is for my best, it is in fact an answer to those prayers. That He is refining me and teaching me lessons that will dramatically revolutionize my life. Yes it is easier said than done, but I’ve seen Him do this in past situations in my life, and I anticipate that He is doing it again for His greater purpose.

Isn’t it wonderful when the Lord sends an encouraging loved one at the most perfect time? Earlier today my dad and I were facebooking and He was offering me sweet bouts of motivation. My dad was assuring me that he was proud of me and that meant the world to me. Furthermore, Trav’s dad (whom he absolutely adores and respects) called him around lunchtime. At first he was unaware at how distraught we were, but without hesitation he was able to encourage Travis and help him redirect his thinking about our whole situation. You see sometimes we flirt with the idea of quitting, of taking the easy road out. But, it’s at those moments when people who love us cheer us on and reassure us that they believe in us; what a blessing those people are to Travis and I.

I also got to talk with my father-in-law for a little while. He also offered me the same inspiring words about keeping focused and staying positive. He also was telling me how life was in the states. Yes, life is undoubtedly easier in the States… you have everything at hand and we know the language. But, in terms of the current shape of the US, it is “no bueno”. He was telling me how difficult it is becoming to live there and how the negativity and chaos just eats at him. You can’t turn on the TV without being inundated with how much of a mess the US is in. In fact, he agrees that living here on an island is much better because of solely that! So I decided, yes we have troubles here…. But there will always be troubles everywhere. It’s what you do with them and how you plan to conquer them that matters.

My father-in-law also talked about the mountain and the valley experiences, which is such a God thing because I was just reading about this the other day in my devotions. Yes, the mountaintop is stunningly gorgeous, it’s easy, and it’s seemingly perfect. However, it wouldn’t be so beautiful if we didn’t experience the rough terrain and unexpected obstacles while trudging through the valleys. It’s there that we are shaped and molded. It’s there that we then appreciate the beauty and momentary satisfaction on the mountaintop. But, as I’ve learned the mountaintop doesn’t sustain life. It is impossible to live there forever. In fact, if that were my hearts desire, to remain on the mountaintop, then I would no longer have my eyes on Christ, it would be for selfish ambition only.

And so in this valley I embrace the change, I embrace the unpleasant obstacles that surround us, and I embrace the opportunity to live in this new Country. My new “goal” is to be a light to the children and families around us. My heart breaks for them. Most of these precious kids raise themselves either because their parents don’t care, aren’t alive, or the maids raise them. They don’t know what it is like to have an adult interested in their lives and upbringing. Please pray that Travis and I will be able to influence these kids in a huge way and for the Lord to open doors regarding which direction we need to move the business.

Thank you all for being so good to us, we appreciate you more than we could ever express! ☺

Love & Miss you,

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