November 3, 2009

November 3, 2009

We have officially been back for one week. We still love love love our new apartment, we have had barely any problems with it, which is a great relief! You never know how well things will be constructed here.

I would be lying though if I said it’s been easy coming back. You know when I was younger I tried figuring out where exactly it was that Satan tried to get a stronghold on me. I never struggled with drinking or drugs or promiscuity, but the Lord revealed to me that it was my joy that was being tried. Ever since I was little people called me “smiley” and wondered why I always walked around so happy. Well as I got older and life became a little more complex, it became equally as difficult maintaining that beaming smile. From that point on I knew that my life would encompass a continual battle over my joy. With that being said, this past week has been a difficult one.

It’s not even for one particular reason, but merely a combination of numerous little things. It’s me missing my dads birthday last weekend, family and friends Halloween parties we couldn’t attend, my nephews first birthday party, thanksgiving quickly approaching and being without any family. And then the devil quickly reminds me of all the things I’m giving up that I love… like working out because I can’t go anywhere alone and Trav doesn’t like to run, cooking because well there’s not much to cook with ☺, being plugged into a local church, speaking English with friends, seasons changing, etc. Those are all “State” missings, but then we come here and have to wait so long to get our business going. That dang new-yorker in me likes to get things done, and get it done quickly. But here everything is “muy tranquillo” or “slow down/relaxed” ☺. So until we get flying we are restricted to what we can do, because we can’t spend money unless it’s absolutely necessary. Okay, I’m done. I’ll get off my soapbox now… but that’s just the reality of the thoughts Satan is feeding me to get me unfocused and discouraged. And for a few days I let him win, but he’s no longer going to have any victories in my life. I will hold fast to the vision and calling the Lord has given us, and I will do it boldly with a genuine smile on my face.

Yesterday we had a little “scare”. One of our neighbors said while we were gone a person pulled into our apartment complex and went over directly to our boat/plane. Apparently he was just looking around and being nosey. Well our neighbor, knowing that it was our boat, went over to see what this man was doing. This mystery man started asking our neighbor all sorts of questions about us and telling him that we had to have permits and such to fly, this that and the other thing. Our neighbor also said that this man talked to our apartment manager/owner, and as soon as he was done he left, almost as if his whole reasoning for being there was to find out information. We had a friend of ours ask the owner what this man asked him, and he said he didn’t talk to anyone that morning. So, we are left with two different stories, equally as odd and confusing. I don’t know what to believe, but this reinforces that we must be alert and aware of our surroundings!

We have emailed some tour operators and we are anxiously awaiting a response. We hope very much that the Lord will open one of these doors for us. But, if he doesn’t, I believe it is because He has a different plan for us. His ways are ALWAYS higher and greater than our own.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers during this difficult time of “unknowns” and waiting periods.

Love you and miss you all!

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