August 25, 2010

By FAITH alone

Ever since I started "31 Days of Praying for my Husband" (I will blog more about this later!!) I have finally gotten myself into a wonderful morning routine that begins with time with the Lord. To be honest, it's hard having a consistent quiet time, I mean it's hard finding quiet time PERIOD in this crazy, jam packed schedule society... go go go!! So anyways, I have finally found this routine, and it truly has revolutionized my days. I believe in the power of James 4:8 "Draw near to the Lord, and He will draw near to you". The peace that comes along with walking closely to the Lord is indescribable... and it's right where I want to be. 

I usually read from "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers and a week ago I began reading Jerry Falwells book, Building Dynamic Faith. Some call it irony that I chose this book before the Mary Kay opportunity even came about, but I believe it was all apart of the Lords divine plan. He was equipping me and encouraging me to step out in faith, and believe! This morning as I was reading from this book I came across two quotes that absolutely fit me right now, and I want to share them with YOU!

"God continually pushes us out of our comfort zones and into a new challenge. And when a challenge is bigger than our ability to handle it, we grow our faith we we attempt to do this new task."

"New steps of faith are not about the things you do, but they're about God working in you."

"it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure" Phil. 2:3

So here goes the journey of faith!! Who wants to jump on board?

Be Blessed,

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