March 17, 2010

St. Patty's Day!


Warning: The first few paragraphs of this blog will be ranting about my not-so-perfect morning :) Proceed if you wish...

You know those mornings when you would give anything to go back to sleep, wake up again, and start over?

Well that was mine today.

Last night Travis and I (along with Uncle Robert, Cullen, Austin, & Kim-- Thank you all!!) moved into our new apartment, which we absolutely LOVE! I was running around like a crazy woman trying to organize before I would collapse and call it a night. I wouldn't call myself OCD, but I definitely prefer a put together and clean home. So to no surprise I went 90 to nothing and looking around 3 hours later, I think we've made amazing progress! We passed out late last night, woke up at 5:30am, ate breakfast, got ready super fast, grab the keys and... where is my lovely purse? My heart starts racing... All the women out there KNOW how detrimental her purse is. I mean a missing purse is like missing a piece of your life, your purse is vital! It has every little detail to aid our days. It is possible to even have a sucessful day withour your beloved purse? Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic... maybe not? So I'm racking my brain trying to figure out where it would be hiding amongst this still not-completley-put-together apartment. Luckily after a few minutes I thought "maybe I left it in my sister-in-laws car"... and I did!! We quickly flew over to her place before having Trav at work by 6:40am.

*Phew* Now here comes my commute to work.

I'm driving to work all frantic because I hate being unorganized and losing things. I set my life, I mean purse down at my desk and see my phone has three missed calls from my mother-in-law. She had given me her keys last night to use her car if I needed it to move. Oh no!! My heart starts racing again... I tell her where I think they are, and they aren't there. I'm downtown, 40 minutes from home, and feel utterly helpless and HORRIBLE that I'm putting her in a bind. It's one thing to lose something and drive myself crazy, but when I have to drag someone else in... then it really bugs me. Luckily, she has a great friend who works close to her and offered to drive her. As for the keys, well they're still playing hide and seek, and quite frankly I'm over this game. But, that doesn't solve the fact that I'm racking my brain here at work trying to figure out where in the world they are! Sorry Valerie :(

I blame it all on St. Patrick... Clearly the luck o' the Irish isn't working for me :)

Speaking of St. Patrick... Here are some fun facts for you, even though I'm not Irish.

-According to the Guinness Book of World records, the highest number of leaves found on a clover is 14!

-Legend says that each leaf of the clover means something: the first is for hope, the second for faith, the third for love and the fourth for luck.

That's all I have for now... maybe once I relax & de-stress I'll write more...

Love ya'll!

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