October 18, 2009

October 12, 2009

Once again it is another American holiday and I’m completely oblivious to it. This time I have no excuse, I am in the US right now. Ha Ha! Happy Columbus Day!

So it’s about that time that the weather cools down and the air has a unique crispy cool felling to it, and I LOVE it! Especially after living in tropical paradise I’m appreciating the seasons changing even more! I love fall, I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite season. Which perhaps is the reason that I miss my family so much right now. The fall foliage rides, the punkin carvings, apple cider donuts, corn mazes, and Thanksgiving. Luckily my father and mother-in-law will be visiting us for Thanksgiving in the DR. I think that will help the adjustment of the first holidays away from my family.

Our time in Texas has been wonderful and full of many hours of Scrabble games. To me there is nothing better and more rejuvenating than quality time laughing and talking with your beloved family. We truly do cherish every memory we share with those closest to us.

Right now we are in the airport waiting for our flight to Omaha, Nebraska. Yayy a new state for me! I’m very excited to see something new and to visit Travis’ grandparents farm. They’ve lived there, in the same home their whole life. That’s unbelievable to me. I’m only 22 and have lived in 13 different places with many different homes. But then again I thrive on it. I love experiencing new things and meeting all different kinds of people. Everyone has his or her own story… if I had it my way I would just sit with a cup of sugar-free vanilla coffee and just listen to everyone’s journey. Perhaps I would even get an opportunity to encourage them if they so needed it. Or I, myself, would be encouraged. Ironically that is exactly what church was about yesterday. (And boy was it nice being in church again! There’s something so amazing to me about corporate worship and teaching!) Anyways, this pastor talked about Paul’s crazy testimony and how zealous he was to tell others about it. I also have an incredible story of God’s redemption and favor on my life, and I have been inspired to be more vocal about it. I am loved and saved by the creator of the Universe and I year to give Him the glory He deserves.

Speaking of the Lord saving me and showing me favor when I don’t deserve it… He ONCE again provided for us in a very unique way. As I have mentioned previously, we are tight on money for this season of our life. Well, one of my lovely girl friends here in Texas took me to Starbucks yesterday. We had a wonderful time playing catch up and sharing what the Lord is doing in our lives now. Well after we had spent time together we showed back up at our house with a white envelope from her mother. She has a very sweet mother who surprised us with a very generous blessing. It was a late wedding gift, but something that was much needed. It truly brought tears to my eyes as I opened it. It was because I realized it was more than just a gift for our precious wedding, it was the Lords favor and answer to prayer. He promises to provide for His children, and the Word says His hand is never too short to give. What a Great God!

So I can’t help but laugh at myself when I worry, for it’s moments like these that remind me that He works in mysterious ways and He has our best interest in mind.

Be encouraged because he desires to do the same thing with you!


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