November 25, 2009

The next right thing...

November 25, 2009

I am almost speechless at how radically different it is in this country versus the states. Prior to moving here we did our research, we crunched the numbers, we talked to various people, but even then we were not even on the tip of the iceberg of knowing how the DR truly operates. It’s amazing to me how over 2 million people visit here a year, convinced it is heaven on earth… it is gorgeous but tourists only see the shell of this country. They are clueless about the corruption, the deception, the fabrication, and the crookedness that encompasses every dimension of this island. There is virtually no way possible for a foreigner (unless they have all the time in the world, or are mega-millionaires) to come here and establish a business in a legal manner. It would undoubtedly require bribes and under the table cash flow; both of which we were not prepared for.

Through meeting with an Editor in Chief of a newspaper yesterday we both were granted clarity on our personal reality of living here and operating a foreign-run tourism business. This man is a Dominican who was willing to take of the mask and unveil to us the ugly “truths” that run this island. He confirmed what we had heard about the few mega wealthy families that have an iron grip on the DR. They are the ones who control every aspect of this country, from hotels to excursion to shops and restaurant; all must be Okayed through them. Once they give the okay they are then given a huge percent of the profits. And so he said if we began operating without their consent, they would quickly make sure that they would receive 50-60 percent of our money, or else make sure we were drove out of the country. For example, our 60-dollar flight we would have to give them 30-35 dollars, then 5 dollars for gas, 10 dollars for rent, and another 5 for the tour rep, leaving us 5-10 dollars. We aren’t trying to get rich, but we would have to bust our butts flying to try and even make rent. It just isn’t conceivable. We didn’t come here to get rich, but we do have bills and college loans to take care. Not to mention we dreamed of helping out our families as well.

He also mentioned that unless we have an “in” with tourism and the aeronautical offices, we would not receive the permits. Of course they will not blatantly tell us that, but they keep us quiet by saying, “One week, One week, or keep waiting, it takes a long time here”. But, in reality we will be waiting forever because they do not want us to work here. It’s all about power and money. For whatever reason they feel threatened when foreigners try to start businesses here… they are worried about us taking their money and becoming powerful. So by whatever means necessary, they drive you out. One would think they would be grateful for people moving here and trying to generate businesses and help their third world country, but that is far from the case.

This man did tell us that if we would get ourselves out into the community more, that we would be able to make those connections with the power people who can get things done. He told us about two big parties that were happening this weekend; he insisted that we attend. We “have to be seen and introduced to the people here… create a status for ourselves.” These parties are at a club/discoteca and a bar. You see we have no issue getting out into the community and meeting people, but we refuse to open that door. If starting a business here requires us partying every weekend just to get an in, then we refuse to do it. We are not going to redirect our moral compass and exchange our values just for a means of operating a business. So, it was at that moment we realized we are putting on the breaks and calling it quits. The instant you alter your values is the same instant your vision becomes skewed… we will not let that happen.

So for that reason, and for some other safety reasons regarding drugs and trafficking, we with complete confidence have decided that the DR is no longer the place in which we should reside.

As of now, we are trying to sell the few things we have here. We don’t know what the future looks like regarding employment or what not… but we have an undeniable peace that we are doing the next right thing.

Thank y’all for being apart of this journey with us. For your prayers and encouraging words.

We love you and will see you soon!

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